Improve performance and battery life in your app

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Discover four tools that can help you identify performance and battery life issues: Xcode Organizer, the Power and Performance API, MetricKit, and XCTest.

Learn how to analyze aggregated power and performance data in Xcode with just a few clicks. Track your app's quality by utilizing the new Power and Performances Metrics and Diagnostics API to create custom dashboards and integrate with your bug reporting systems. Find out why apps terminate in the background, and explore how you can use MetricKit to help you identify key statistics to drive down the rate of terminations. And we'll show you how to use XCTest to detect interruptions to smooth scrolling and animations and catch regressions before they affect your shipping software.

What's new in MetricKit

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Identify trends with the Power and Performance API

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Eliminate animation hitches with XCTest

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Diagnose performance issues with the Xcode Organizer

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