What's new in Machine Learning and Computer Vision

Core ML icon  inside of a speech bubble.

No matter what kind of app you want to create, it can benefit greatly from machine learning. Explore the latest advancements to Create ML, Core ML, Sound Analysis, and the Vision framework, and the opportunities they provide for building some truly magical experiences into your app. We’ll show you how you can create new kinds of interaction, classify sounds in the environment, extract document data using the camera, or even build features that evolve as a person interacts with your app.

  • WWDC21

Build dynamic iOS apps with the Create ML framework

  • WWDC21

Classify hand poses and actions with Create ML

  • WWDC21

Discover built-in sound classification in SoundAnalysis

  • WWDC21

Detect people, faces, and poses using Vision

  • WWDC21

Extract document data using Vision

  • WWDC21

Tune your Core ML models

  • WWDC21

Accelerate machine learning with Metal Performance Shaders Graph


Core ML

Create ML