Explore Swan’s Quest
June 22, 2020
Swift Playgrounds presents "Swan’s Quest,” an interactive adventure in four chapters for all ages. Use your programming prowess to aid our Hero in navigating through dark caves, decoding scrolls, and writing music.
Swan’s Quest was created for Swift Playgrounds on iPad and Mac, combining frameworks and resources which power the educational experiences in many of our playgrounds, including Sonic Workshop, Sensor Arcade, and Augmented Reality. To learn more about creating your own Swift Playgrounds adventures, check out our related sessions.
And don’t forget to stop by the Developer Forums and let us know what you thought of Swan’s Quest.
Swan's Quest, Chapter 1: Voices in the dark
In our first chapter, our Hero must navigate a dark cave — and the only way to light the torches is to make them accessible.
Learn about VoiceOver and write interesting audio descriptions. You just might help our Hero find their way out… and get a clue for the next challenge.
Swan's Quest, Chapter 1: Voices in the dark
Watch nowSwan's Quest, Chapter 2: A time for tones
In this chapter, our Hero needs your help decoding the Swan’s scroll. Call forth the best of your audio abilities on this one — you’re going to need them.
Discover how to convert Swift Playgrounds into a tone generator, and you just might help our Hero find the missing message… and move onto the next part of their quest.
Swan's Quest, Chapter 2: A time for tones
Watch nowSwan's Quest, Chapter 3: The notable scroll
Calling all musicians! In this chapter, our Hero has found a mysterious scroll of music, and only you can help decode it. (Don’t worry if you can’t read music, our clever Lizard is standing by to assist. It’s sure to be a note-worthy experience.)
By learning a little theory, and mastering time to create tones of different lengths, you just might help our Hero face the music… and move onto the next part of their quest.
Swan's Quest, Chapter 3: The notable scroll
Watch nowSwan's Quest, Chapter 4: The sequence completes
It’s time for the grand finale: You’ve honed your skills with tones, but in this chapter our Hero needs to sequence multi-part harmony.
Discover how to play pitched instruments with MIDI codes, and you just might help our Hero find the rhythm… and complete their quest.