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Give users access to content, services, or premium features in your app on an ongoing basis with subscriptions, a type of in-app purchase.

Posts under Subscriptions tag

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Provide Seat based charging with InApp Purchase
Hi, as I checked now multiple threats in the internet I cant find a solution to solve the Problems with the Apple Guidelines. Our Business Model is based on pay per user. As Apple rejected our App due to not compatible guidelines I cant figure out how to implement pay per user with InApp Purchase. Because I cannot find a solution to increate the subscriptions because you can only have 1 Subscription per Account. I cant increase the subscription amount nor adjust prices of the subscription when they invite a user for example. I really need help to figure out how to solve this type of issue. I appreciate any hints how I could solve this.
List All Subscriptions for a Subscription Group: "subscriptionAvailability" is not a valid relationship name
I try to fetch subscriptions with included relationships according to the documentation GET[ "appStoreReviewScreenshot", "group", "introductoryOffers", "offerCodes", "prices", "promotedPurchase", "promotionalOffers", "subscriptionAvailability" ] The form of include field is taken from the official OpenAPI spec In the response I get a bunch of errors What am I doing wrong? { "errors": [ { "id": "0c02ac40-47c6-4107-b725-930e938a587f", "status": "400", "code": "PARAMETER_ERROR.INVALID", "title": "A parameter has an invalid value", "detail": "'[ \"appStoreReviewScreenshot\"' is not a valid relationship name", "source": { "parameter": "include" } }, { "id": "cf2e214a-cab7-4e63-8971-d8974b0903f6", "status": "400", "code": "PARAMETER_ERROR.INVALID", "title": "A parameter has an invalid value", "detail": "' \"group\"' is not a valid relationship name", "source": { "parameter": "include" } }, { "id": "56d7e72f-cf29-4fac-9456-79074e294567", "status": "400", "code": "PARAMETER_ERROR.INVALID", "title": "A parameter has an invalid value", "detail": "' \"introductoryOffers\"' is not a valid relationship name", "source": { "parameter": "include" } }, { "id": "abdaf783-9a95-4053-a614-bcee7aedab45", "status": "400", "code": "PARAMETER_ERROR.INVALID", "title": "A parameter has an invalid value", "detail": "' \"offerCodes\"' is not a valid relationship name", "source": { "parameter": "include" } }, { "id": "53270b6c-f0f5-4d18-9004-2c99ce9905bd", "status": "400", "code": "PARAMETER_ERROR.INVALID", "title": "A parameter has an invalid value", "detail": "' \"prices\"' is not a valid relationship name", "source": { "parameter": "include" } }, { "id": "9676075f-d2fb-493e-b093-c973e3b103d2", "status": "400", "code": "PARAMETER_ERROR.INVALID", "title": "A parameter has an invalid value", "detail": "' \"promotedPurchase\"' is not a valid relationship name", "source": { "parameter": "include" } }, { "id": "451dd333-1c75-4e22-90e1-40c6532fa465", "status": "400", "code": "PARAMETER_ERROR.INVALID", "title": "A parameter has an invalid value", "detail": "' \"promotionalOffers\"' is not a valid relationship name", "source": { "parameter": "include" } }, { "id": "b0afb70e-ab6a-4aa3-9840-3e94844d3385", "status": "400", "code": "PARAMETER_ERROR.INVALID", "title": "A parameter has an invalid value", "detail": "' \"subscriptionAvailability\" ]' is not a valid relationship name", "source": { "parameter": "include" } } ] }
App Store Connect Review Information Screenshot
In order to submit my new subscription for review I need to upload a screen. No matter what resolution image I upload it fails saying "Your file could'nt be save. Try again if the problem persists, contact us" I am using many different types of simulators (Iphone 15 - Iphone Xs) and physical devices to take a screenshot and nothing is accepted. I can see the error message being returned from apples API is "IMAGE_BAD_DIMENSIONS_SM_LESS_MIN" so assume its a resolution issue. I am following the current guidelines here:
May ’24
Creating in-app subscription products via the API
Hi, I am implementing in-app subscriptions in my application and would like to set up a module in my admin portal by which I can create subscription products via my custom module. For this purpose I need API's that allow me to create subscription products. Please let me know if such a solution is possible, if it is, then please share the API's and payload by which I could implement it. Thank you in advance.
May ’24
In-app purchase reports in Sandbox account
Hi, I'm implementing in app purchase/subscriptions for my application and would like to setup a financial report module in my admin portal. I am bit confused, is it possible to get financial reports and invoices via the API when in sandbox account. Also I would greatly appreciate it if you could also share the API and parameters needed, by which we can get the finance reports and invoices. Thank You in advance.
May ’24
Multiple active subscriptions on Same AppleID, Is it possible?
APPLE ID IS SAME Please try to understand my situation by an example. We have three plans on App Store. one month three months one year Is this default behaviour of the app store in-app purchases, Am I missing something or doing something wrong. Is it really not possible to purchase two subscriptions from same Apple ID and both got renew parallely. Please note these all cases are for same Apple ID. I signed up as User A and purchased one month subscription successfully. I logged out from User A and signed up as User B and tried to purchase one month subscription, I got error that subscription is already active. Now again tried to purchase three months plan, purchase is successfull but what happened when I again logged in as User A, then his subscription didn’t get renewed. I am not getting any hook to cancel or expire the User A subscription.
May ’24
Where can I get used Offer Codes from?
I would like to programmatically keep track of offer codes that have been used. I just configured a Test Offer Code (Reference name), which contains 500 codes (Offer Codes) to buy a 1-month subscription for 0,49€. I was able to redeem the code and everything works, but I was expecting to receive the used code. Instead I received the Reference name in the payload from the App Store Server Notification in the field offer_code_ref_name="Test Offer Code". (expected was sth like offer_code_ref_name="JFFDS61SBJDBJ5BXJS4BX") I would be able to identify the Reference name by the code, if it was provided, because I have the following table in my app's backend: reference_name | code | url | expires_at | used | reserved Test Offer Code | xadz | zzz | 31-07-2022 | t | f Test Offer Code | asdf | *** | 31-07-2022 | f | f The used code doesn't seem to be included in the latest receipt. How can I obtain it? Can I somehow call App Store Connect API? Thanks
Apr ’24
How to attach an IAP to my app review?
My app offers a premium subscription, and all works well locally when I test with a Sandbox tester account. However, in app review, the reviewers are not able to access premium - Apple does not open the subcription/payments modal when the reviewers click the "Get Premium" button. I'm wondering if it's because I haven't "attached" my subscription to my review as described in The instructions says: "On the right, scroll down to the In-App Purchases and Subscriptions section, then click Select in-app purchases and subscriptions. When submitting a subscription for the first time, it must be submitted with a new app version." But I don't see any "In-App Purchases and Subscriptions" section on this page. Am I missing something or are the docs outdated?
Apr ’24
SubscriptionStoreView groupID when handling country specific products with storekit2
I am not sure if this is just Xcode and Storekit2 behaving weird. I am getting all products every time during my testing, even though I have pricing enabled for US and non-US in the same subscription group. How do I handle this scenario? Isn't SubscriptionStoreView supposed to handle this by itself depending on media and purchases country? Thanks in advance for your response!
Apr ’24
Switching subscription groups
I have an app where fans can subscribe to multiple content creators and this is implemented using a sub group for each creator. I want to add a new "all access" subscription that gets them access to everything. We are treating this as an upgrade from the individual sub. Is there a way to cancel (or swap) the individual sub when they subscribe to the bundled sub? I know within a sub group it is possible to go between sub levels, but not sure about across sub groups.
Apr ’24
SubscriptionStoreView showing 'The subscription is unavailable in the current storefront.' in production (StoreKit2)
I Implement a 'SubscriptionStoreView' using 'groupID' into a project (iOS is targeting 17.2 and macOS is targeting 14.1).Build/run the application locally (both production and development environments will work fine), however once the application is live on the AppStore in AppStoreConnect, SubscriptionStoreView no longer shows products and only shows 'Subscription Unavailable' and 'The subscription is unavailable in the current storefront.' - this message is shown live in production for both iOS and macOS targets. There is no log messages shown in the Console that indicate anything going wrong with StoreKit 2, but I haven't made any changes to my code and noticed this first start appearing about 5 days ago. I expect the subscription store to be visible to all users and for my products to display. My application is live on both the iOS and macOS AppStores, it passed App Review and I have users who have previously been able to subscribe and use my application, I have not pushed any new changes, so something has changed in StoreKit2 which is causing unexpected behaviour and for this error message to display. As 'SubscriptionStoreView' is a view provided by Apple, I'm really not sure on the pathway forward other than going back to StoreKit1 which I really don't want to do. Is there any further error information that can be provided on what might be causing this and how I can fix it? (I have created a feedback ticket FB13658521)
Apr ’24
Connection between isInBillingRetryPeriod and gracePeriodExpiresDate
Hi. We have recently switched to server notification V2. Based on this documentation (notificationType): If the subtype is GRACE_PERIOD, continue to provide service through the grace period. If the subtype is empty, the subscription isn’t in a grace period and you can stop providing the subscription service. Also, base on another documentation (StoreKit): Throughout the billing grace period, the value of isInBillingRetry is true, which indicates that Apple is attempting to automatically renew the subscription. Now, I'm receiving DID_FAIL_TO_RENEW server notification with GRACE_PERIOD subtype where gracePeriodExpiresDate is in the future, but isInBillingRetryPeriod is false (additional note: user has been in trial period and now must be charged as trial has ended). The question is: Is this situation a valid Grace Period even if user is not in billing retry period? And if yes, please elaborate why this is the case. Thank you!
Apr ’24
How to retrieve prorated refunded amount on original subscription after upgrade?
Apple automatically refunds the prorated amount on the original subscription after it is upgraded. Since upgrades happen immediately and start a new billing cycle beginning from the day of upgrade, the previous original subscription is refunded for the prorated amount. Is there any way to retrieve the amount that was refunded by Apple? The transaction that was upgraded is marked with isUpgraded flag to true but the price field on it still shows the full amount and there is no App Store Server Notification that tells us how much was the refund. How do I get the refunded amount?
Apr ’24
A user with mutiple originalTransactionIds
Hello, I found a user that has two originalTransactionIds for the same subscriptionGroupIdentifier. I thought that: originalTransactionId does not change in case of upgrade/downgrade, cancellation/re-subscribtion user can see only products within single subscription group A, so if there is a subscription group B, user will not use any products from B (so new originalTransactionId will not be created because we're still within same subscription group) I can see for this user that new originalTransactionId was given when transactionReason was PURCHASE and storefrontId, price and currency have changed in comparison to previous RENEWAL transactions. Can new originalTransactionId be given to the user when purchasing subscription from different country than previously? Thanks a lot for clarification, Best regards, Maria
Apr ’24
Filling the tax Information. Help needed.
I'm setting up subscriptions on the App Store and need to fill out some forms. One of them is the "U.S. Certificate of Foreign Status of Beneficial Owner." At the bottom of the form, I see a label 'U.S. Person' with my name listed underneath it. What does "U.S. Person" mean here? My name appears below the "U.S. Person" title, but I'm not a U.S. person. What should I do? Also, what title should I enter? I'm the only developer on the app.
Apr ’24
Can we show subscriptions list for user in the app?
Hello, I need to be sure we are doing correct. Can we clarify we can present list of available subscriptions and current subscription to the user in the iOS app where we don't use any payments inside. We have payments only on the web page. Basically our subscriptions allow users to extent hardware devices our consumers buy at us. It's clear for us that we are not able to call for actions for payments and we are not able to user other payment methods in the app. But it's not clear for me if we are allowed to show subscriptions without any action for payments. Here is Description of Business Model In one of the first submissions of our app to the app store about 5 years ago we clarified our business model in detail during the review and it was confirmed that it is fine for this model to collect a fee outside of the app. The main reason was that the value creation happens fully outside of the app. The model did not change since. We are happy to describe here our business model in more detail. The Solar Manager System comprises a hardware,, a backend, a web application and an app (the one under review). The hardware gateway is optimizing the own consumption of solar systems in residential homes. This hardware gateway is locally installed in the home of the user and communicating to many home appliances (battery, PV inverter, car charger, …). The main value creation to the end user is that his home appliances are controlled such to optimize for highest solar consumption and in some cases dynamic electricity tariffs. This means our hardware is starting / stopping / controlling theses devices locally directly via different interfaces. Different algorithms are running directly on the hardware to perform such optimizations. Our backend and web front-end are used to configure the devices and prioritize devices according to the user need. For the first year in 2018 our system was running without any app. It was only hardware, backend and front-end. Also we have a support team answering questions and phone calls from users that have a problem with the system. For this system we have a one time fee to buy the hardware device that is then installed locally in the home of the user. Additional we have a yearly fee to cover cost for data storage, development costs of backend and front-end, and to cover our support. This fee is collected through a payment system in our backend. It can be accessed from the front-end. Depending on the amount of data stored, number of external devices connected to our hardware and the amount of support given to the user there are different levels for the fee. The fee is directly related to the data storage cost, the backend needs, and the support effort. The fee is not collected for digital content consumed through the app. Thanks.
Apr ’24
One-time purchase with free trial
Dear all, This is my first post in this forum - and, in fact, my first app, too! I'm glad to be here, and thanks in advance for your help. I'm looking to offer an app for a one-time payment. I'd also like people to be able to try the app for a week. It seems that the "Pricing and Availability" section in App Store Connect is not the right place to configure this kind of offer. It does allow me to set a one-time price, but I cannot find a trial-period there (or am I missing something?) Two different strategies seem possible here: Using in-app-purchases: make the actual app free, but ask users after a week to buy a non-consumable IAP. The problem with that: I need to verify that the app has been installed for seven days ... even if it has been uninstalled at some point. Using subscriptions: There is a "free trial" option for subscriptions. But after that free trial, subscriptions are being payed periodically. I'd rather have the user only pay once for lifetime-access. Some apps seem to use strategy 1 - I believe the "Lap swim" app does. But still it seems like a bit of a hack - is there a more elegant way to achieve this?
Apr ’24
The inAppPurchasesV2 endpoint returns an empty result, while the old inAppPurchases returns a list of results
Hello! Why is it that the old endpoint returns nicely what subscriptions are in the application, while the new one returns an empty result? **Old:{appid}/inAppPurchases ** {"data":[{"type":"inAppPurchases","id":"{id}","attributes":{"referenceName":"{referenceName}","productId":"{productId}","inAppPurchaseType":"AUTOMATICALLY_RENEWABLE_SUBSCRIPTION","state":"APPROVED"},"links":{"self":"{id}"}}],"links":{"self":"{appId}/inAppPurchases"},"meta":{"paging":{"total":1,"limit":50}}} **New:{appid}/inAppPurchasesV2 ** {"data":[],"links":{"self":"{appId}/inAppPurchasesV2"},"meta":{"paging":{"total":0,"limit":50}}}
Apr ’24