Link Presentation

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Fetch, provide, and present rich links in your app using Link Presentation.

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How to get link preview (LPLinkMetadata) for Twitter post content like iMessage
In iMessage when you link a twitter post you have the following preview As you can see the content of the tweet is present. I wanted to replicate that so I used LPLinkMetadata and even found the "hidden" metadata.value(forKey: "_summary") to get the description. Below is the full code import SwiftUI import LinkPresentation class LinkViewModel : ObservableObject { let metadataProvider = LPMetadataProvider() @Published var metadata: LPLinkMetadata? @Published var image: UIImage? init(link : String) { guard let url = URL(string: link) else { return } metadataProvider.startFetchingMetadata(for: url) { (metadata, error) in guard error == nil else { assertionFailure("Error") return } DispatchQueue.main.async { self.metadata = metadata } guard let imageProvider = metadata?.imageProvider else { return } imageProvider.loadObject(ofClass: UIImage.self) { (image, error) in guard error == nil else { // handle error return } if let image = image as? UIImage { // do something with image DispatchQueue.main.async { self.image = image } } else { print("no image available") } } } } } struct MetadataView : View { @StateObject var vm : LinkViewModel var body: some View { VStack { if let metadata = vm.metadata { Text(metadata.title ?? "no title") Text(metadata.value(forKey: "_summary") as? String ?? "np description" ) } if let uiImage = vm.image { Image(uiImage: uiImage) .resizable() .frame(width: 100, height: 100) } } } } struct ContentView: View { var links = [ "", "", ""] let metadataProvider = LPMetadataProvider() var body: some View { List(links, id:\.self) { item in Section{ VStack { Text(item) // Image(systemName: "heart.fill") MetadataView(vm: LinkViewModel(link: item)) } } } } } With no luck, I even tried the third party Swift OpenGraph libraires (getting the og:title), I printed the html with no luck, added user-agent and stuff and still can't. There was a great discussion on the mastodon github about it (for server side implementation) but replicated the iMessage behaviour seems hard. Any tips ? :-)
Mar ’24
How to get link preview (LPLinkMetadata) for Twitter post content like iMessage
In iMessage you can link a twitter post and it gets the image (if any), tweet content and title. Yet as a regular dev, I think, that we cannot get the tweet content like iMessage. From this Github issue of Mastodon, I know that in the header there is everything we need, yet in a simple swift code using LPLinkMetadata we cannot get the description. Here is the code below import SwiftUI import LinkPresentation class LinkViewModel : ObservableObject { let metadataProvider = LPMetadataProvider() @Published var metadata: LPLinkMetadata? @Published var image: UIImage? init(link : String) { guard let url = URL(string: link) else { return } metadataProvider.startFetchingMetadata(for: url) { (metadata, error) in guard error == nil else { assertionFailure("Error") return } DispatchQueue.main.async { self.metadata = metadata } guard let imageProvider = metadata?.imageProvider else { return } imageProvider.loadObject(ofClass: UIImage.self) { (image, error) in guard error == nil else { // handle error return } if let image = image as? UIImage { // do something with image DispatchQueue.main.async { self.image = image } } else { print("no image available") } } } } } struct MetadataView : View { @StateObject var vm : LinkViewModel var body: some View { VStack { if let metadata = vm.metadata { Text(metadata.title ?? "no title") Text(metadata.value(forKey: "_summary") as? String ?? "np description" ) } if let uiImage = vm.image { Image(uiImage: uiImage) .resizable() .frame(width: 100, height: 100) } } } } struct ContentView: View { var links = [ "", "", ""] let metadataProvider = LPMetadataProvider() var body: some View { List(links, id:\.self) { item in Section{ VStack { Text(item) MetadataView(vm: LinkViewModel(link: item)) } } } } } The twitter link doesn't return any description, I also tried third party OG libraries with the og:title in Swift with no success, yet it works on iMessage. Any tips ? :-)
Mar ’24