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Posts under wwdc2023-10026 tag

3 Posts
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WatchOS 10 cycling speed sensor data issue
I have just updated my Apple Watch S7 to WatchOS 10 beta, and I am enjoying the new cycling features that allows me to read cadence/ power/ speed directly on iPhone. The bug is, even though the watch is paired with speed sensor, and allows me set up wheel size, but when cycling, apple watch is actually not using the real-time data from my sensor but GPS data. When cycling in tunnel and underground space, there is no speed data. Could any one explain to me how I show set up my watch? or, this is a bug that need to be fixed? Thx!
Oct ’23
WatchOS 10 Developer Beta doesn't allow apps to install for me
Using Xcode 15.0 beta 2 I created a new app that should work with WatchOS 10.0 but when I tried to install the app from my iPhone that has the iOS 17 Developer Beta 2 the message I got was " This app could not be installed at this time. Could not install at at this time." I would like to test my app on the Apple Watch and I'm wondering how I could fix this. All kinds of help would be appreciated!
Jul ’23
We’re trying to do speech to text on Apple Watch. How do we do that?
On iOS we're using SFSpeechRecognizer from Speech: private let speechRecognizer = SFSpeechRecognizer(locale: Locale(identifier: "en-US")) private var recognitionRequest: SFSpeechAudioBufferRecognitionRequest? private var recognitionTask: SFSpeechRecognitionTask? private let audioEngine = AVAudioEngine() ...this type of thing, but these services are not available on Apple Watch. We figure there has to be a way to do this since the watch has such limited input methods, and voice is an obvious way to be getting info from our user. Can we capture audio on the watch and use the iOS companion app to do the processing? Something else? We're also doing text to speech, and aren't sure the best approach on Apple Watch for this either. Thanks! -Ian
Jun ’23