App Rejected: Guideline 5.1.1 - Legal - Privacy - Data Collection and Storage

Our App is rejected with the below message. We got rejected multiple times for this guideline and not sure how to handle this.

We used to ask for their target weight/current weight but we got rid of that because we thought weight may be considered "sensitive data". Now we only store the number of hours worked out and the numbers are manually inputted by users.

Does Apple require any fitness-related app to be published under an organization? Is there anything we can do to publish this app under individual developers?

Guideline 5.1.1 - Legal - Privacy - Data Collection and Storage

We found in our review that your app does not meet all of our requirements for apps that offer highly regulated services or handle sensitive user data. Specifically:

  • The account that submits the app must be enrolled in the Apple Developer Program as an organization, and not as an individual.

The guideline 5.1.1(ix) requirements give App Store users confidence that apps operating in highly regulated fields or that require sensitive user information are qualified to provide these services and will responsibly manage their data.

Next Steps

To resolve this issue, it would be appropriate to take the following steps:

  • Your app must be submitted through an Apple Developer Program account enrolled as an organization. You may either enroll in a new Apple Developer Program account as an organization, or request that your individual account be converted to an organization account by contacting Apple Developer Support.

Please note that you cannot resolve this issue with documentation showing permission to publish this app on behalf of the content owner or institution.

have u solve it? i have same problem too

App Rejected: Guideline 5.1.1 - Legal - Privacy - Data Collection and Storage