Can't delete App Id from a deleted App

Hello guys!

I was developing an app in my account and then I deleted the app from Itunes connect. Now I'm trying to delete the app id from indentifiers scetion but I can't. I got this error:

The App ID 'xxxxxxxxxx' appears to be in use by the App Store, so it can not be removed at this time.

But I deleted the app 5 minutes after I submitted to the store.

I need to use this ID in another account, what can I do?

Thank you!

App IDs cannot be deleted once used in the store.

Deleting an app doesn't free up it's app ID.

>I need to use this ID in another account,

Did you consider doing an app transfer between accounts?

You may have a problem, tho, considering you've already deleted that app. You might want to contact Apple directly via iTunes Connect's 'Contact Us' tree to confirm.

I'd get busy drafting a new app ID...

Good luck.

This is complete horseshit on Apple's Part. If the bundle ID is not tied to an active app and was never published release the damn thing
having the exact same issue, and the documentation clearly says that in order to migrate app from one dev account to another you MUST have published the app to the apple store, at least for me, this never was the case

Same problem....

Same problem here... was learning in app purchase techniques. App was never published but now can't delete/remove

Same. It's a bug, as long as I remeber, each year trying to remove damn id's hoping Apple will fix it. They did not. Again.

Same problem

Same problem

Same problem

Apple being Apple. Any plans to free up some crap entries in your database Apple?

Please fix this

Same problem

Same problem, all issues with AppStore must be resolved soon at least for the next conference it will be a great next step for Apple tech

same problem!

Come on apple. Hire me I will fix this basic issue

Only validate an archive and now I have the same problem. I have not even upload this app...

Same problem... Was testing putting an app on testflight and deleted 5 minutes after uploading

Same problem

Did You find any answer for the same? facing same issue.

I was able to follow these steps and it does say to wait 24 hours for propagation and hopefully I'll go back to deleting the identifier again:

Same issue. I have not released the app yet. I was just testing out stuff and now I have a dud ID that can't be removed. Please allow us to remove ID after removing the app from appstoreconnect.

Same here

Same issue. Apple is useless and I can't believe the world supports them. I accidentally registered the app under the wrong account. And now I can't delete the identifier because "it's being used by the app store" even though the app was never published. And I can't create an identical bundle identified in the other account. I will need to break company policy and change the way the bundle identifier is supposed to be to get around this.

Same problem. For the trillion dollar company Apple is, they are WAY more useless when it comes to Android in regards to app development and publishing.

Same issue here. Apple, there was someone is this thread who offered to be hired to implement this. I'll one up them: I'll do it for free.

Can't delete App Id from a deleted App