Graphics and Games

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Posts under Graphics and Games tag

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Physics Engine for Metal API rendering
Hello everyone! Here with another graphics api question but slightly different. I'm currently looking at 2 SDK's for physics called PhysX and Bullet. The game asphalt 9 uses metal and bullet and I would like to do the same with asphalt 9. With metal 3 out and stable it seems, I would like to use one of these engines for my upcoming metal api rendering engine. Bur there's a catch, I wish to use objective-c or c++ for both the rendering engine and the physics engine as I mentioned above, but not me touching swift(its a good language but i wish to use c++ for game development). What do you guys say about this?
Aug ’23
Diablo IV - Entering new areas, opening Character menu causes RAM Memory Overflow and screen freezes/crashes
I have a Macbook Pro 16 M1Pro 16Gb Ram MacOS 14 Sonoma Beta 4 and GPT 1.0.2 and currently testing Diablo 4 V 1.04 (latest Update on 08.08.2023). The game is awesome and it runs in 2560x1440 in 50-60fps on my 4K-LG Display over HDMI very smoothly, until .... see Problem 1 and Problem 2 Graphics details are in full detail. smooth shadows and even FSR2 works perfectly. Diablo4 needs around 9-11 GB Ram on my system. There are no background activities running! Problem 1: exploring new areas causes Ram Buffer overflow, freezes the screen, and crashes, and a new system reboot is needed. Problem 2: when trying to buy/sell an item, or just the characters menu will be opened, the game freezes. A game reboot is necessary! While running the HUD in games I can see what's going on and could analyze, that while it's the case Problem 1 and Problem 2 happening, The RAM jumps from 9-11 GB to 16-18 GB. This is much more than the System can deliver and cause the screen freezes and crash. Either the whole system reboot or mostly just the game reboot is needed. Would be very nice if Apple could fix/adjusts GPT in the next versions of Diablo 4. Many thanks in advanced
Aug ’23
My game crashes after launch
Hello, I have created game (first one) using Unreal Engine 4. Distributed it on Android and works good. But I have problem with ios version. Game crashes after launch. It shows only splash screen for very short period of time. I have CrashLog from one of test devices. CrashLog - I tryied also build my game using xcode (I have read somewhere that it could help with crash) but build failed. Have no idea what couses crash. Any solution I found didnt work in my case. Please help me with translate CrashLog.
Jul ’23
Macbook Air M2 Gaming - Cannot Run Diablo IV
Hi all, I installed the game porting toolkit, installed, and finished downloading Diablo IV. Clicking the Play button returns "No GPUs found! A GPU is required to play Diablo IV. This might occur if you are currently installing GPU drivers." Could anyone tell me how to fix this issue? How can I install the driver and run the game? I am not good at typing command lines so I really appreciate it if you guys can show me some codes to fix it. Thanks!
Jul ’23
iOS Game Center achievements are resetting
We have some problems with achievements which were unlocked in Game Center. This is our first time that we implemented Game Center features inside our app and it seems that leaderboards, score reporting and unlocking achievements are all working fine. We can see unlocked achievements in the achievements board but they are becoming locked again just a few seconds later. Everything seem to be working fine except this weird behavior (all handlers are returning success etc.) We also tried many tests with different type of achievements (both with achievable more than once YES and NO achievements). It may be an expected behavior with achievements which are of kind achievable more than once but they are becoming locked again if they are not as such) As the only thing that comes to our minds: the version with achievements and leaderboard is not published yet in AppStore and we are testing achievements with some sandbox testers and a real user device. Could such resetting (becoming locked again) be due to not yet being published in store? Thanks in advance for very appreciated tries, help and assistance If it will help you guide us: * GKAchievementDescription loadAchievementDescriptionsWithCompletionHandler: returns all achievement registered in appstore connect GKAchievement reportAchievements: always return success (and so we can see them in gamecenter board) GKAchievement loadAchievementsWithCompletionHandler: returns completed achievements until that reset occurs (i.e. after completing the achievement, we send a request -> it is there; a few seconds later again we send a request -> it is again there; a few more tries and it is gone ...)
Jun ’23
RealityKit Object Masking / Providing Depth Map for Effects - Use Case Feature Request
In regular Metal, I can do all sorts of tricks with texture masking to create composite objects and effects, similar to CSG. Since for now, AR-mode in visionOS requires RealityKit without the ability to use custom shaders, I'm a bit stuck. I'm pretty sure so far that what I want is impossible and requires a feature request, but here it goes: Here's a 2D example: Say I have some fake circular flashlights shining into the scene, depthwise, and everything else is black except for some rectangles that are "lit" by the circles. The result: How it works: In Metal, my per-instance data contain a texture index for a mask texture. The mask texture has an alpha of 0 for spots where the instance should not be visible, and an alpha of 1 otherwise. So in an initial renderpass, I draw the circular lights to this mask texture. In pass 2, I attach the fullscreen mask texture (circular lights) to all mesh instances that I want hidden in the darkness. A custom fragment shader multiplies the alpha of the full-screen mask texture sample at the given fragment with the color that would otherwise be output. i.e. out_color *= mask.a. The way I have blending and clear colors set-up, wherever the mask alpha is 0, an object will be hidden. The background clear color is black. The following is how the scene looks if I don't attach the masking texture. You can see that behind the scenes, the full rectangle is there. In visionOS AR-mode, the point is for the system to apply lighting, depth, and occlusion information to the world. For my effect to work, I need to be able to generate an intermediate representation of my world (after pass 2) that shows some of that world in darkness. I know I can use Metal separately from RealityKit to prepare a texture to apply to a RealityKit mesh using DrawableQueue However, as far as I know there is no way to supply a full-screen depth buffer for RealityKit to mix with whatever it's doing with the AR passthrough depth and occlusion behind the scenes. So my Metal texture would just be a flat quad in the scene rather than something mixed with the world. Furthermore, I don't see a way to apply a full-screen quad to the scene, period. I think my use case is impossible in visionOS in AR mode without customizable rendering in Metal (separate issue: I still think in single full app mode, it should be possible to grant access to the camera and custom rendering more securely) and/or a RealityKit feature enabling mixing of depth and occlusion textures for compositing. I love these sorts of masking/texture effects because they're simple and elegant to pull-off, and I can imagine creating several useful and fun experiences using this masking and custom depth info with AR passthrough. Please advise on how I could achieve this effect in the meantime. However, I'll go ahead and say a specific feature request is the ability to provide full-screen depth and occlusion textures to RealityKit so it's easier to mix Metal rendering as a pre-pass with RealityKit as a final composition step.
Jun ’23
Ground Shadows for in-Program-Generated Meshes in RealityKit
Apparenrly, shadows aren’t generated for procedural geometry in RealityKit: Has this been fixed? My projects tend to involve a lot of procedurally-generated meshes as opposed to importes-models. This will be even more important when VisionOS is out. On a similar note, it used to be that ground shadows were not per-entity. I’d like to enable or disable them per-entity. Is it possible? Since currently the only way to use passthrough AR in Vision OS will be to use RealityKit, more flexibility will be required. I can‘t simply apply my own preferences.
Jun ’23
Textures With Indirect Command Buffer
I render with func drawIndexedPrimitives( type primitiveType: MTLPrimitiveType, indexType: MTLIndexType, indexBuffer: MTLBuffer, indexBufferOffset: Int, indirectBuffer: MTLBuffer, indirectBufferOffset: Int ), when I use Argument Buffer to set textures(e.g. to fragnent shader), everything is fine. But is there a way to set textures without Argument Buffer? Argument Buffer is the only way?
Jun ’23
34" Display not recognises full resolution in Big Sur
Hi There, I just bought a IIYAMA G-MASTER GB3461WQSU-B1 which has a native resolution of 3440x1440 but my MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2014) doesn't recognise the monitor and I can't run it at its full resolution. It is currently recognised as a PL3461WQ 34.5-inch (2560 x 1440). Is there anything that I can do to get it sorted or I will have to wait until this monitor driver is added to the Big Sur list? Thanks
Jun ’23