iOS 16 CTCarrier deprecation

For iOS 16.X, CTCarrier will be deprecated.

①Could someone tell me why CTCarrier will be deprecated?

②What will be the correct way, going forward, to receive information regarding carrier information such as mobileCountryCode, mobileNetworkCode?

Note this annotation at the top of <CoreTelephonyCTCarrier.h>:

CORETELEPHONY_CLASS_DEPRECATED(4_0, 16_0, "Deprecated with no replacement")

I haven’t looked into this specifically but I suspect that is is a privacy thing. See my footnote at the bottom of this post.

What will be the correct way, going forward, to receive information regarding carrier information such as mobileCountryCode, mobileNetworkCode?

What are you using that info for?

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""

Hi, I have the same question, looking for a replacement for CTCarrier. I am using mobileNetworkCode as a way to see if the iDevice can actually perform a call at this moment, since an iPhone could also be used without a SIM-card installed. I am using code that I picked up as a gist on Github, see below (part of a SwiftUI View). If you would have another way to check call capability without using CTCarrier, I would be much obliged.

                   Button (action: {
                        // check if device can perform phone call
                        var isCapableToCall: Bool = false
                        guard let url = URL(string: "tel:"+item.telephone) else {return}
                        if UIApplication.shared.canOpenURL(url) {
                            // Check if iOS Device supports phone calls
                            // User will get an alert error when they will try to make a phone call in airplane mode
                            if let subscribers = CTTelephonyNetworkInfo().serviceSubscriberCellularProviders {
                                for key in subscribers.keys {
                                    if ((subscribers[key]?.mobileNetworkCode?.isEmpty) == nil) {
                                        isCapableToCall = true
                            } else {
                                // Device cannot place a call at this time. SIM might be removed
                                isCapableToCall = false
                        } else {
                            // iOS Device is not capable for making calls
                            isCapableToCall = false
                        if isCapableToCall {
                        } else {
                            // if device cannot call, show a dialog with the phone number
                    }, label: {
                        VStack {
                            Image(systemName: "phone").font(.system(.title2))
                        .frame(width: 50, height: 45)

A phone call? Hmmm, using CT for that doesn’t seem like a great plan. It’s easy to imagine a world where tel URLs get handled by a VoIP app, completely unrelated to the device’s GSM state.

It’d be nice if canOpenURL(_:) were a bit smarter about this, returning false in the case that you’re trying to detect. Or perhaps we could add an API more specific to tel URLs. If you’d like to see such support added in the future, I encourage you to file an enhancement request describing your requirements.

Please post your bug number, just for the record.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""

So true. I guess I'm growing old. Since the datastore only provides actual phone numbers, I had not thought of a VoIP app. So for a more general case than mine, you're spot on. I have now filed a Suggestion to make canOpenURL smarter. That would be a good spot for getting my way of using CTCarrier covered in a future iOS. Bug/suggestion number FB11678610 .


There are a few things I would like to ask regarding this deprecation.

  1. I wonder why var serviceSubscriberCellularProviders: [String : CTCarrier]? { get } is not deprecated which has a returning type of CTCarrier and CTCarrier itself is deprecated. So what will happen exactly once CTCarrier gets removed ?

  2. What would happen if , for example CTCarrier gets removed in iOS 17, and user with iOS 17 installs our old app or has the previous version of the app that is using serviceSubscriberCellularProviders ?

  3. We would really need to keep using this CTCarrier class (we need the mobileCountryCode and mobileNetworkCode fields) as we need to identify mobile carrier used to connect to the internet, so we can call a carrier specific API.

Is there anything else we are able to use for this ?

Thank you in advance and I would appreciate any kind of additional information regarding this.

1. I wonder why serviceSubscriberCellularProviders is not deprecated which has a returning type of CTCarrier and CTCarrier itself is deprecated. So what will happen exactly once CTCarrier gets removed?

2. What would happen if, for example CTCarrier gets removed in iOS 17, and user with iOS 17 installs our old app or has the previous version of the app that is using serviceSubscriberCellularProviders?

Our usual pattern for removing an API is:

  1. Deprecate the API.

  2. Stub out the implementation. For example, in the property, we have it return a dummy value. This may or may not be gated by a linked-on-or-later check or an entitlement.

  3. Remove the API from the SDK headers.

  4. Remove the API implementation entirely.

That last step usually only happens during architecture changes — for example, when moving from Intel and Apple silicon on the Mac — because otherwise it prevents apps with conditional code from launching.

As to how things will pan out in this specific case, I can’t predict the future (alas!) and so I’m not going to comment on that.

3. We would really need to keep using this CTCarrier class (we need the mobileCountryCode and mobileNetworkCode fields) as we need to identify mobile carrier used to connect to the internet, so we can call a carrier specific API.

If you have a hard dependency on these values I recommend that you:

  1. File a bug report with the details of this issue. Please post the bug number here, just for the record.

  2. Make sure that the carrier you’re working with understands this risk. They may want to make changes or raise this issue with their contacts at Apple.

Is there anything else we are able to use for this ?

No. That’s what Deprecated with no replacement means.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""

There is a comment in the latest iOS 16.4 Beta 3 release notes that speak to this:


Core Telephony Deprecations CTCarrier, a deprecated API, returns static values for apps that are built with the iOS 16.4 SDK or later. (76283818)

Financial institutions also use this API as a means to combat fraud. The alternative to deprecation could have been an entitlement request based on a genuine use case just certain Wifi APIs.

Financial institutions also use this API as a means to combat fraud.

Are you building a product for a financial institution that does this? Or just raising this as a general concern?

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""

Are you building a product for a financial institution that does this? Or just raising this as a general concern?

The product has been built and in use for many years now.

The product has been built and in use for many years now.

OK. In that case I think that it’s worth you following the advice from my earlier post. Better never than late late than never, right?

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""

We must somehow always have overlooked this depreciation notice (because it came as a surprise). The probable use case for many is; to preselect the country(code) if a phone number needs to be activated or targeted. And not have the users scroll though a list off all countries.

I might be missing something here but I would indeed suggest all that arrive here and have a good/valid/urgent use case to file a bug report as @eskimo suggested [ FB12130946 ]

Hey hey 👋

same as @spoxies, we use CTCarrier to detect the SIM's country code to preselect the correct country code for our phone numebr entry:

I wonder how all the apps, that use phone numebr login, should do that from now on... I mean yes we could use the Locale information but that is not really accurate, right?

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance!


We are using CTTelephonyNetworkInfo.serviceSubscriberCellularProviders to list the active subscriptions on the device. Is there another way to fulfil this use case?


ok, so this API is gone, but what is the reasoning for CTTelephonyNetworkInfo.serviceSubscriberCellularProviders to also always return an object and never update regardless of whether a SIM is actually inserted? Why aren't developers allowed to know whether a SIM is present at all?

AFAICT serviceSubscriberCellularProviders is working as well as it ever did [1]. To understand what’s going on here, you have to look at the previous API, subscriberCellularProvider. That API never returned information about the currently installed SIM. Rather, it returned information about the most recently installed SIM. Consider this sequence:

  1. On a device with SIM A installed, print the value. You get SIM A.

  2. Eject that SIM and print the value. You still get SIM A.

  3. Insert SIM B [2] and print the value. You get SIM B.

From that perspective, the current behaviour of serviceSubscriberCellularProviders kinda makes sense.

Why aren't developers allowed to know whether a SIM is present at all?

What do you plan to do with that info?

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""

[1] Modulo the fact that it works in terms of CTCarrier and that’s now restricted.

[2] Assuming that SIM B is from a different carrier. When I say “SIM” in this post I really mean “SIM’s carrier”.


We were using serviceSubscriberCellularProviders to display the carrier names of the active services on the phone. Example, one plastic SIM and one eSIM. Is this still possible somehow? Eventually we would like to list inactive service, like disabled eSIMs.


to display the carrier names of the active services on the phone.

The real question is: why are you doing that? Is this an app whose whole purpose is to just list the carriers? Can the user act on this information in some way?

If you were writing a clear purpose string for a hypothetical authorization prompt for accessing this information, exactly what would it say?

Thank you for your quick feedback.

We have an app for an operator, and we want to get access to local subscriptions to manage its wallet of subscriptions.

  • the user manages a family which can have several SIMs / eSIMs
  • we want to differentiate SIMs present on the curent phone to other SIMs
  • additionally, we'd like to get all relevant inputs for support


We used to obtain operators through CTCarrier, but now ios16.4 CTCarrier only returns 65535. Since CTCarrier is Deprecated,Why is serviceSubscriberCellularProviders still returning "NSDictionary<NSString *, CTCarrier *>"? What should I use to replace it

We have an app for an operator

You mean a cellular carrier?

If so, you should escalate this via your carrier’s contact at Apple. Here on DevForums we can only discuss what’s in the public iOS SDK and, as you’ve seen, that’s getting increasingly locked (and it wasn’t that great to begin with :-).

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""


We are also facing the same issues, we used CTCarrier to identify carrier name, mobile country code (MCC), mobile network code (MNC) so we can modify the look and feel of our application. Is there any alternative API to obtain that information?

A feedback report ticket was created as well:

Thank you.


What should we do if we used mcc and mnc to determine which features we should enable.

We develop authorization library and work with mobile operators. Some operators give us extended functionality. And we checked mcc and mnc to use these extended functions.

And now we’ll loose money.

Lemme repeat my advice from above: If you have a business relationship with a carrier, I recommend that you discuss this with your carrier so that they can discuss it with their contacts at Apple.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""

We're having a VoIP App that is potentially connected to a VoIP server in a different country (over VPN).

We use the CTCarrier mobileCountryCode to route emergency calls based on the users location to the system and not the remote VoIP server (in that other country, where that emergency number might have a totally different meaning).

This change can hurt people.

(still investigating how this deprecation got unnoticed on our side)

iOS 16 CTCarrier deprecation