Mac App Store

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Posts under Mac App Store tag

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Is it possible for an app in the Mac App Store to obtain Accessibility permissions?
I have an app developed using ElectronJS that requires Accessibility permission to monitor mouse and keyboard events through the iohook package. I want to publish it on the Mac App Store, but it seems that: The Mac App Store mandates Sandboxing, and Sandboxing prohibits Accessibility permission. As a result, it seems that an app on the Mac App Store cannot obtain Accessibility permission. Can someone confirm if this is accurate or if there's a workaround?
TestFlight link (Mac) not working any more ("Unable to Open Link")
Update: Turns out it works for others, apparently, and I also found one of my Macs where it does work, too. So it must be something pertinent to my systems. Oddly, though, the same ones where it now fails used to work because I had TestFlight enabled there before. I have TestFlight set up on App Store Connect, and I have already about 50 testers subscribed. Today, I found that the Public Link does not work any more: Once is installed, and one clicks the link to add my app to TestFlight, it always shows the error ""Unable to Open Link" in I've tried this on several Macs (Ventura and Sonoma), and with different Accounts, both where the app was already added or not. Is something generally broken, i.e. do others see the same issue with their TestFlight links, or is it just me? How do you suggest I get this resolved? Here's an example link I set up for this purpose - it only allows a handful of subscribers, so please do not actually subscribe but just see if you even get allowed to, or if you get the same error if you must try: And here's how it's set up:
Constant trouble with approval of non-sandboxed "grandfathered" app for Mac App Store
I have two apps that are exempt from the need to be sandboxed. One has been in the MAS since the first day in 2010, and the other was added only a bit later, when there still was no sandboxing in place. When Apple added requirements for sandboxing, they exempted existing apps like mine under certain conditions. For years, this was no problem, but lately, nearly every other time I submit an update or a TestFlight beta, I get the app rejected for not being sandboxed, even though I explain the situation in the app's Review Notes. It's always a tedious fight convincing the reviewer to let the app pass. And, of course, it delays my releases each time. It's frustrating and exhausting. Sadly, I cannot find any public documents that confirm my claim of this exemption. So, it's always possible that the reviewer may read my note but still not believe me. Are there others here who still have such non-sandboxed in the MAS? How do you deal with this? Or do you know of documents or websites that I can refer the reviewer to?
What can trigger "App uses the itms-services URL scheme to install an app" rejection?
I'm an indie developer. My latest minor update for my game which has been on the Mac App Store for 13 years and which has spent time at #1 on the download charts just started getting rejected for the following reason: Guideline 2.5.2 - Performance - Software Requirements The app installed or launched executable code. Specifically, the app uses the itms-services URL scheme to install an app. However my app is certainly not installing any apps and to the best of my knowlege it is not using any itms/itunes/etc. type URLs in any way, so I can't figure out what would be triggering this claim. Inquiries as to what app I am supposedly installing or what URL I am supposedly using have yielded 'no further information can be provided'. Has anyone run into something similar? Any ideas on obscure scenarios that could trigger this particular rejection? Or any advice on what one should do in my situation? I feel a bit stuck. Has anyone had luck with the appeal process for this sort of thing (to at least get more information)?
Launching Java from a bundled JRE in macOS app
Hi there! I am trying to build a macOS app using Electron. There is a feature on the app that depends on a http server to run locally. This Server was built using Java. Both the compiled server and the Java Runtime Environment were bundled in the build. To start the server I use NodeJS's child_process.spawn, pointing the bundled JRE's executable and the server implementation. The issue I am facing is that the Java Virtual Machine is not starting. It returns the following error message: Error: Port Library failed to initialize: -1 Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine. Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit. Both the JRE and the server are located in Contents directory, in a subdirectory I have created for them. Here are the app's entitlements: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" ""> <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key></key> <true/> <key></key> <string>REDACTED</string> <key></key> <string>REDACTED</string> <key></key> <string>REDACTED</string> <key></key> <true/> <key></key> <true/> <key></key> <true/> <key></key> <true/> <key></key> <true/> <key></key> <true/> <key></key> <true/> <key></key> <true/> <key></key> <true/> <key></key> <true/> <key></key> <true/> <key></key> <true/> <key></key> <true/> </dict> </plist> Here the entitlements inherit: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" ""> <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key></key> <true/> <key></key> <true/> </dict> </plist> Is there any missing step to allow the spawning of this process?
Mac App Store reviewers can't install my app
Hi everyone, Has this every happened to you? If so, how did you resolve it? Submitting my app for review, I got the following rejection: Guideline 2.4.5(ii) - Performance The package currently available in App Store Connect cannot be installed and may be corrupted. Next Steps Please rebuild your application and upload a new version. If this issue continues, please contact Apple Developer Technical Support for help investigating the issue. DTS referred me back to app review: We are unable to help you resolve this matter. Please circle back with the App Review team for assistance. I'm building the .pkg with productbuild: xcrun productbuild --product WFH\ Phone\ --component WFH\ Phone\ /Applications --sign "3rd Party Mac Developer Installer: Mansour Moufid (42A2D88R9U)" --timestamp WFH\ Phone\ Webcam.pkg and uploading it with altool: xcrun altool --username "..." --password "..." --validate-app --file WFH\ Phone\ Webcam.pkg --type osx xcrun altool --username "..." --password "..." --upload-app --file WFH\ Phone\ Webcam.pkg --type osx The .pkg signature looks fine: xcrun pkgutil --check-signature WFH\ Phone\ Webcam.pkg Package "WFH Phone Webcam.pkg": Status: signed by a developer certificate issued by Apple (Development) Signed with a trusted timestamp on: 2024-04-29 14:11:27 +0000 Certificate Chain: 1. 3rd Party Mac Developer Installer: Mansour Moufid (42A2D88R9U) Expires: 2025-03-13 20:11:55 +0000 SHA256 Fingerprint: CB 8A 12 1D 4D 16 29 27 08 30 07 1C 6C F6 1C F4 85 6E AE F1 B1 34 68 F7 81 6D C3 3B 1B 8C 5D 32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Certification Authority Expires: 2030-02-20 00:00:00 +0000 SHA256 Fingerprint: DC F2 18 78 C7 7F 41 98 E4 B4 61 4F 03 D6 96 D8 9C 66 C6 60 08 D4 24 4E 1B 99 16 1A AC 91 60 1F ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. Apple Root CA Expires: 2035-02-09 21:40:36 +0000 SHA256 Fingerprint: B0 B1 73 0E CB C7 FF 45 05 14 2C 49 F1 29 5E 6E DA 6B CA ED 7E 2C 68 C5 BE 91 B5 A1 10 01 F0 24 The app's signature also checks out: codesign --strict --deep --verbose --verify WFH\ Phone\ WFH Phone valid on disk WFH Phone satisfies its Designated Requirement I have no idea what "cannot be installed and may be corrupted" means and app review is not responding to my request for more information...
May ’24
Apple Care tells users who cannot download/update app from App Store that the third-party developer is responsible
While this isn't an issue directly related with programming, I would like to share my frustration with Apple Care and their knowledge of how App Store and third-party apps work. Perhaps someone at Apple can do something about it. Every now and then a user of one of my apps contacts me asking why they get an error when downloading or updating the app in the App Store ("Unable to Download App. “App” could not be installed. Please try again later."). I tell them that third-party developers have no power over the App Store or its download/update process, and this is an issue they have to solve with Apple Care. But when they contact Apple Care, they are told that since it's an issue with a third-party app, they have to contact the app developer. Sometimes the user is more inclined to believe what Apple Care tells them and they get angry at me. In any case, I feel helpless and frustrated, because I would love to help them, but have no means of doing so. There is something about the concept of App Store that makes some users believe that third-party developers have more power than they actually have: sometimes, for example, users contact me directly, or even leave reviews on the App Store, asking for a refund, which of course only Apple can do. Have you had a similar experience? Can some engineer at Apple instruct Apple Care that third-party developers cannot help with App Store download/update issues, so that App Store users don't get mad at the app developers for not being able to install/update their app?
Apr ’24
Can't use with testflight
After upload using transporter I get following message: "Cannot be used with TestFlight because the signature for the bundle at “” is missing an application identifier but has an application identifier in the provisioning profile for the bundle. Bundles with application identifiers in the provisioning profile are expected to have the same identifier signed into the bundle in order to be eligible for TestFlight." (90886) I am unsure about the cause of this problem, please give some advice howto fix?
Apr ’24
Remove previously published macOS version of my app from the app store to replace it with iPad OS availability
Before Apple Silicon was a thing, I published a separate version of my iOS app for macOS. I'm no longer able to maintain this version, so I would like users to be able to use the iPadOS version of my app on Apple Silicon. Unfortunately I can't make it available through Prices &amp; Availablity, because it says: "Once your macOS version has been approved, your iOS app will no longer be available to Mac users." (translated from the German user interface) How do I remove the previous version and publish the iPadOS version to the mac app store?
Apr ’24
Removing MacOS App from sale without Impacting Associated iOS App
Hi, We aim at delisting our MacOS app from the Mac App Store, so that it is no longer available for new users, while maintaining uninterrupted access for our existing MacOS user base. However, this MacOS app is associated to an iOS app in the same app group. Our current challenge lies in the process of removing the older MacOS app from sale without affecting the availability of the associated iOS app. We have explored the "remove from sale" option in App Store Connect, but it appears to be common to both MacOS and iOS, preventing us from delisting the MacOS app separately. We'd like to understand if there is a way to remove the MacOS app from sale without impacting the associated iOS app. If there are any alternative solutions or best practices that can help us achieve this, we would greatly appreciate your advice. Any advice or suggestions you can provide would be highly appreciated !
Apr ’24
Anti-Piracy measures for Mac App Store apps?
As an indy developer, it's prohibitive to start developing backend receipt validation services. Is there anything else in Apple's technologies that we can use to verify whether the person who is using my app, has paid for it? The first thing I thought of when Apple rolled out Sign in with Apple ID, was hopefully, it would include some API that would allow me to ask a simply question: did this Apple ID pay for my app? As an indy developer, this is the one feature that would keep my paid app on the Mac App Store. Anyone have any good suggestions for solving this as an indy developer?
Apr ’24
Background processing options for Mac App Store apps?
I'm busy designing my app's functionality and really would like to provide some features that rely on background processing after the user has logged in. A Login Item seems ideal for this use case. I appreciate the lengths Apple go to, to communicate the complex technologies involved in app development, including the planning of macOS apps. I haven't found any information in the planning and design (admittedly under HIGs) documentation on whether it's possible to provide some background processing element along with an app destined for the Mac App Store. Perhaps it's not mentioned for a reason? However, it would be really useful to background processing dealt with up-front, especially under planning, because it has a huge impact on how one moves forward with product design. Especially when you're an indy developer with limited time and resources. I can't, for the life of me, find where I previously read that daemons and agents weren't allowed to be shipped with a Mac App Store app, because of the Sandbox requirements. It was probably a reply by Eskimo somewhere in the forums. Does the same apply to Login Items? The bulk of the Login Item documentation is in the documentation archive, most of which was written before the existence of the app stores, so I couldn't find any answers there. I previously believed that an app destined for the Mac App Store could only include a single binary, that of the main app itself. Although I've seen the recent article on including a command line utility binary in the distribution too. Also, if my understanding of code signing is correct, apps distributed via an app store are signed by Apple, and thus can't communicate via XPC with a binary signed and distributed via a Developer ID. Or is there some workaround there that might get me closer to my goal?
Apr ’24
App transfer with Developer ID
Hello, I have a multi-platform app that is split across two organizations: One is on iOS, and is distributed using the App Store with bundle ID X with team ID A. One is on macOS, and is distributed using Developer ID with bundle ID Y with team ID B. Once again, these are in two separate organizations. To consolidate these accounts we'd like to transfer ownership of Y to team ID A. However, according to the app transfer criteria, it appears that that's not possible: Both the transferor and recipient accounts can’t be in a pending or changing state, and the latest version of their paid and free agreements must be accepted. [...] The app must have had at least one version that's been approved for distribution. Given the context from the rest of the page, it seems valid to assume (and I've confirmed this through speaking with technical support) that apps are only eligible for transfer if they've been submitted to the App Store, so I'm considering looking into it just for the purposes of this transfer. This app has a fairly large user base and if possible we want to avoid any user disruption (and any cost inflicted on our API) as a result of a forced logout due to losing access to the previous keychain. As a bonus, it would be nice, though not necessary, if the macOS app could ship under the same entry as the iOS app. As I understand it, this would require changing the macOS app to use bundle ID X. Before going down this road, I'd like to confirm if the following plan is a sane one for accomplishing a complete app transfer that satisfies the above requirements: Distribute the app on the macOS App Store under team ID B. Transfer the app, and continue distribution on the macOS App Store under team ID A. Obtain a new Developer ID certificate for using bundle ID Y with team ID B. Resume distribution of the Developer-ID-signed app with team ID B, without loss of keychain access. If loss of keychain access is not possible, can someone confirm if it is at least possible to keep the same bundle ID after performing the steps above? Many thanks in advance for your help - there is much conflicting information online and in this forum, and little documentation when it comes to Developer ID transfers. I've even spoken to several Apple employees who have directed me here.
Apr ’24
Safari Web Extension update asks to restart Safari.
We have an app with a web extension for Safari. We developed this app for a couple of years. Recently when we pushed an update to TestFlight or the Mac App Store, the user that updated the app, there's the dialog from macOS that asks to : Close Safari to continue the update. Click on continue to quit "safari" … It seems a recent change. Is there a way to prevent quitting Safari when we push to update to TestFlight and Mac App Store?
Apr ’24
Seeking Advice: Distributing Python Applications with Premium Content on the Mac App Store
Our company that has a desktop application currently available for free on the Mac App Store. We are planning to introduce a premium feature within the app and are considering the best method to implement this, in line with Mac App Store policies. Our application is developed in Python, uses Flask for the backend, and is not a typical Xcode project. Given this setup, we are evaluating two potential payment methods: Implementing a non-renewing subscription model via In-App Purchase as detailed here: [] Using Apple Pay through our web portal as detailed here: [] We understand that the first option could be complex due to our app’s technical framework. We prefer the second option as it seems technically easier to integrate with our existing infrastructure. Anyone with the prior knowledget can clarify if using Apple Pay on our web portal would comply with Mac App Store policies, or must we implement the payment feature strictly through In-App Purchase to adhere to the guidelines?
Apr ’24
Any way to use a SymbolEffect in an NSButton
Examples of using SymbolEffect in AppKit all seem to be in NSImageView, and look through APIs it seems that the only way to apply those effect animations outside of SwiftUI is indeed in an NSImageView. I have a NSStatusItem where I'm using an SF Symbol in the NSStatusBarButton title (subclass of NSButton) and was trying to figure out if there was a way to use a SymbolEffect there. If the image of an NSButton uses (used) an NSImageView under the hood, that used to hidden in the buttons cell. Seeing how cells seem to be inaccessible now, perhaps there isn't a NSImageView in there these days anyway. Can NSStatusBarButton titles be provided by a custom view, oh I'm guessing the deprecated view property is still operational, but if I'm trying to release to the Mac App Store, that as equally off-limits as an NSButtonCell would have been. Is there a non-deprecated way that will let me ship to the App Store?
Apr ’24
ITMS-90238: Invalid Signature - The main app bundle Tren at path has following signing error(s): a sealed resource is missing or invalid
Hello, I'm create an app using QT on MacOs with Generate to Xcode, when submitting it to the App Store the upload process was successful but I got email feedback with the message containing the following: ITMS-90238: Invalid Signature - The main app bundle Tren at path has following signing error(s): a sealed resource is missing or invalid . Refer to the Code Signing and Application Sandboxing Guide at and Technical Note 2206 at .com/library/mac/technotes/tn2206/_index.html for more information. ITMS-90296: App sandbox not enabled - The following executables must include the '' entitlement with a Boolean value of true in the entitlements property list: [[ ]] Refer to App Sandbox page at for more information on sandboxing your app. I've done the methods available in the community, but it still doesn't work. I hope someone will provide a solution, thank you
Apr ’24
Library missing
Second attempt to publish the Mac version of my App, but it was rejected again due to the same error: 'Library missing'. The library IS included with the build. The extracted .app from .xcarchive runs without a problem on different machines, both M1 and Intel. So, I don't know what's wrong. Can somebody please help me? I can provide the complete .ips from Apple if needed. { "code": 1, "flags": 518, "namespace": "DYLD", "indicator": "Library missing", "details": [ "(terminated at launch; ignore backtrace)" ], "reasons": [ "Library not loaded: @rpath/TitaniumKit.framework/Versions/A/TitaniumKit", "Referenced from: &lt;85BA8613-0157-3B28-99AF-E73F1E579B72&gt; /Applications/", "Reason: tried: '/usr/lib/swift/TitaniumKit.framework/Versions/A/TitaniumKit' (no such file, not in dyld cache), '/System/Volumes/Preboot/Cryptexes/OS/usr/lib/swift/TitaniumKit.framework/Versions/A/TitaniumKit' (no such file), '/usr/lib/swift/TitaniumKit.framework/Versions/A/TitaniumKit' (no such file, not in dyld cache), '/System/Volumes/Preboot/Cryptexes/OS/usr/lib/swift/TitaniumKit.framework/Versions/A/TitaniumKit' (no such file), '/System/Library/Frameworks/TitaniumKit.framework/Versions/A/TitaniumKit' (no such file, not in dyld cache), (security policy does not allow @ path expansion)" ] }
Mar ’24
App Sandbox entitlement stripped from dext by Xcode?
I have a macOS app which contains a dext. I'd like to distribute it to external testers using TestFlight, so it has to pass Mac App Store review. It failed, because the App Sandbox entitlement was missing. I checked the app, it has the entitlement, but the dext does not. However, the .entitlements file used by the dext does contain App Sandbox set to true. I tried adding a "fake-entitlement" value to the .entitlements file, and that made it into the dext's code signature, but the App Sandbox entitlement appears to be stripped out by the build process? For a dext target, it isn't possible to add the App Sandbox capability in Xcode's Signing and Capability section. I have to add the entitlement manually in the .entitlement file (or it was put there by the Xcode driver template, I don't remember). I've tried clean building several times, I've tried Xcode 15.0.1, 15.2 and 15.3, but the result is always the same. I'm inspecting the entitlements using codesign -dvvv --entitlements - Does anyone know what I can do to put the App Sandbox entitlement into my dext's signature? Is this happening to anyone else?
Mar ’24
Question: Asset validation error about self-made framework lib
Prepared archive for validation Validation failed error: Asset validation failed Missing Bundle Identifier. The application bundle contains a tool or framework [aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd.pkg/Payload/] that is missing the bundle identifier in its Info.plist file. (ID: 8d117580-6d15-4b9e-8a0c-3bd069c66c77) error: Asset validation failed Bad Bundle Executable. You must include a valid CFBundleExecutable key in the nested bundle [aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd.pkg/Payload/] property list file. (ID: 62894f06-c782-4d67-85df-91912d1b6609) Abc.framwork is a pre-built lib used in swift. I put following keys in Abc.xcframework's Info.plist, but no effect. &lt;key&gt;CFBundleIdentifier&lt;/key&gt; &lt;string&gt;aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd.Libname&lt;/string&gt; &lt;key&gt;CFBundleExecutable&lt;/key&gt; &lt;string&gt;Libname&lt;/string&gt;
Mar ’24