Tune up your AirPlay audio experience

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iOS 17 Beta: AVSampleBufferVideoRenderer, can it be used with AirPlay?
In iOS 17 Beta, a new AVSampleBufferVideoRenderer class has been added: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/avfoundation/avsamplebuffervideorenderer I'm wondering if this could somehow be used together with AirPlay in order to manually enqueue video sample buffers, just like you already can for AirPlay Audio with AVSampleBufferAudioRenderer (see: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/avfaudio/audio_engine/playing_custom_audio_with_your_own_player). I want to be able to stream AirPlay Video without HLS. If I try to add the video renderer to their existing sample project for audio I get exception with message: "... video target must be added to the AVSampleBufferVideoRenderer prior to enqueueing sample buffers.", which I guess makes sense. But since there is no documentation on this yet, I can't know how to add a video target, nor what kind of video targets are supported.
Jul ’23