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Shared directories configuration not running on macOS virtual machine
When using the sample code included on the Running macOS in a virtual machine on Apple silicon. I am adding the following changes to the swift files: Added to 'MacOSVirtualMachineConfigurationHelper' file: static func createAutomountSingleDirectoryShareDeviceConfiguration() -> VZVirtioFileSystemDeviceConfiguration { let sharedDirectory = VZSharedDirectory(url: directoryURL, readOnly: false) let singleDirectoryShare = VZSingleDirectoryShare(directory: sharedDirectory) // Assign the automount tag to this share. macOS shares automounted directories automatically under /Volumes in the guest. let sharingConfiguration = VZVirtioFileSystemDeviceConfiguration(tag: VZVirtioFileSystemDeviceConfiguration.macOSGuestAutomountTag) sharingConfiguration.share = singleDirectoryShare return sharingConfiguration } Added to 'path' file: let directoryURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: NSHomeDirectory() + "Projects") Added to the 'AppDelegate' file: virtualMachineConfiguration.directorySharingDevices = [MacOSVirtualMachineConfigurationHelper.createAutomountSingleDirectoryShareDeviceConfiguration()] When the above is added and the sample app is run, the following error is shown: macOSVirtualMachineSampleApp/AppDelegate.swift:95: Fatal error: Virtual machine failed to start with Error Domain=VZErrorDomain Code=2 "A directory sharing device configuration is invalid." UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailure=Invalid virtual machine configuration., NSLocalizedFailureReason=A directory sharing device configuration is invalid., NSUnderlyingError=0x600000c343c0 {Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=2 "No such file or directory"}} On the host device the directory that is being shared is ~/Projects and it does exist. What do I need to change to create the shared directory and have it work? Is there a sample code project for the same configuration that was shown in the demo?
Apr ’24
PTChannelManager Discrepancies in Documentation
Hello, I am reading up on the documentation and seems to have some discrepancies but wanted to double check. In Overview for PTChannelManager, it states "Multiple calls to channelManager(delegate:restorationDelegate:completionHandler:) result in the system returning the same shared instance, so store the channel manager in an instance variable." https://developer.apple.com/documentation/pushtotalk/ptchannelmanager However if we look at the documentation for creation of a channel manager, in the completionHandler, it states that it will return "A new channel manager instance." https://developer.apple.com/documentation/pushtotalk/ptchannelmanager/4031737-channelmanager So is it a shared instance that gets returned or will a new instance be created? Need to know if we will need to implement a multiDelegate Pattern or not for this scenario for example if someone else called this function, would they take over the callbacks or would they get their own instance? Thank you.
Mar ’24
Xcode Error : Building a custom peer-to-peer protocol
Unable to launch this sample project. Xcode says it cannot open the file. Building a custom peer-to-peer protocol I'm trying to build iPhone as a mouse. I am not planning on releasing it but more like a practice for myself. I have one other question, how to use a mac app to receive mouse data while it's in background as it's required by my app. Is Background Tasks the right way ? I am planning to use Network framework for networking but there is not much documentation available. Pardon me if it's a basic question.
Aug ’23
PTChannelDescriptor is not changing when I leave and then join another channel
I am using the same ChannelManager, however when switching to another channel, I leave the channel and then requestToJoin a new channel with the new inputted ChannelName and PTDescriptor however the name and image are not changing when I go to background to see the Native UI. Am I missing something to call for an update for the PTDescriptor?
Jul ’23
Troubleshooting Issues with Colorization Model Conversion: Seeking Suggestions
Hello everyone, I encountered some compiler errors while following a WWDC video on converting a colorization PyTorch model to CoreML. I have followed all the steps correctly, but I'm facing issues with the following lines of code provided in the video: In the colorize() method, there is a line: let modelInput = try ColorizerInput(inputWith: lightness.cgImage!) This line expects a cgImage as input, but the auto-generated Model class only accepts an MLMultiArray or MLShapedArray, not an image. Video conversion step did not cover setting the input or output as ImageType. In the extractColorChannels() method, there are a couple of lines: let outA: [Float] = output.output_aShapedArray.scalars let outB: [Float] = output.output_bShapedArray.scalars However, I only have output.var183_aShapedArray available. In other words, there is no var183_bShapedArray. I would appreciate any thoughts or suggestions you may have regarding these issues. Thank you. Link to the WWDC22 session 10017 https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2022/10017/
Jun ’23