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Give users access to content, services, or premium features in your app on an ongoing basis with subscriptions, a type of in-app purchase.

Posts under Subscriptions tag

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Guideline 2.5.1 - Performance - Software Requirements
App rejection : The app uses public APIs in an unapproved manner, which does not comply with guideline 2.5.1. Specifically, your app using configuration profiles to install icons and/or wallpapers. Since there is no accurate way of predicting how an API may be modified and what effects those modifications may have, unapproved uses of public APIs in apps is not allowed. I’m wondering if it’s true that asking users to download a configuration profile doesn’t jive with 2.5.1? How to resolve the problem and what reason ?
In App Purchases (Subscriptions)
We recently reduced the subscription price for new customers in the USA from $9.99 to $4.99. However, existing customers are also seeing the new price of $4.99, but when they attempt to purchase the subscription, they are charged the original price of $9.99. Actual Behavior: Existing Customers: See the price as $9.99 and are charged $9.99. New Customers: See the price as $4.99 and are charged $4.99. Can anyone assist with resolving this issue? Thank you!
403 Forbidden when validating subscriptions
Hi all. Our application uses server-side validation of user subscriptions. After purchasing a subscription, the server keeps track of the subscription renewal statuses. But for the second week already, when requesting information on subscriptions, the server receives 403 Forbidden error. At first we decided that our ip was blocked somewhere and tried to change the ip to a new one. But changing the ip address did not give any results. We keep getting 403 Forbidden error on all requests to check subscriptions from our server. The request goes to the following address /verifyReceipt This method is deprecated and it is necessary to change the method of verification to a new one, but it can't be done quickly. At the moment, there is no information when verifyReceipt will be disabled. And we need to verify subscriptions. Maybe someone has encountered a similar problem? Thanks for the help!
NYTimes News App doesn’t run
I know this isn’t the place to report this, but I’m in a Catch 22 situation. You meed to access the app to send a bug report to developers, but I can’t load the app on IOS 18, so I’m reporting it here. The NY Times News App does not open under IOS 18 or iPadOS 18. The subsidiary apps, Games, Cooking, and Audio do.
Restrict In-app purchase offering based on location
I'm developing an application where user can access contents based on In-app purchase subscription.As per the app requirement I want to restrict user from accessing the content when they try to access from a different country. Example: Being a user I brought subscription while I was in India by paying lets say 10$ instead of actual 20$ (50% discount for India users). Lets say I am travelling to other country and in order to use the content user now has to pay the remaining 10$. As per apple's policy is this allowed? , if yes, then how to achieve this.
renewals showing up as activations in App Store Connect?
Anyone else seeing renewals show up as activations for auto-renewing subscriptions in App Store Connect? Our app is almost 2 months old on the App Store and we have had monthly subscriptions starting to sell almost on day one so we've had one full subscription monthly cycle go by for a bunch of our paid users. We noticed though that after 4-5 weeks, there was only one subscription renewal shown but we also were't seeing cancellations or a drop in our subscriber numbers. We just kept seeing more activations. Now at the 8 week mark we are very sure that renewals are showing as activations instead since our subscriber numbers aren't tanking, but instead slowly climbing, and we've only had a handful of renewals or cancellations. We'll see say 10 subscription activations in a day but then our total paid subscriber numbers only go up by 5, so once again, assuming 5 are actually renewals and not activations. We do see refunds but at the exact same time as a longer subscription period sells so assuming an upgrade and the total paid subscribers doesn't go down. Supposedly our retention rate is 2% but that doesn't seem to match our subscriber numbers at all. Assume this is due to renewals being counted as activations instead. We are NOT using server side validation or tracking of sales, using StoreKit to validate on device and unlock features. So all of this is from the App Store Connect web site. None of this is really an issue right this moment but longer term we'd like to better understand how our retention is going vs new sales. Are we just misunderstanding what the categories mean? We assume this isn't an issue with how we implemented StoreKit in the app but maybe it is? Thanks! Colin
Why I can't see my teams while creating StoreKit Configuration File
I am trying to add In-app purchases to my app. I tried to create StoreKit Configuration File but after checking "Sync this file with an app in App Store Connect" I wanted to pick my team but the only options I had were "None" or "Ad an account...". And answering upcoming question: Yes I have team. Please help.
Cancel Subscriptions on Behalf of Customer like Netflix (App Store Server API)
I recently had a request from a Product Owner to implement capability like Netflix has to enable users to switch their payment method from App Store Subscription to Credit Card on our website, as per capability that Netflix has in their account management portal. We tested it today with a colleague who was paying for Netflix through iOS in-app subscription: In the Netflix account management pages it showed that he was currently paying via In App Subscription He updated his payment method to Credit Card in their website's account management portal. Almost immediately after adding his Credit Card in his iOS Subscription Management settings (we could see the the subscription had been set to no longer renew, with an expiry date) How is this done - I can't see any API in App Store Server API documentation that gives us a way of cancelling / preventing renewal of subscriptions on behalf of a user... But Netflix can clearly do it somehow...
Create Test Account - Something Went Wrong. Try again later.
Hi! I'm trying to set up a test account in the App Connect Sandbox for testing payments and I'm getting this error: "Something Went Wrong. Try again later." Steps to repro: Login to App Store Connect Go to Users and Access Go to Sandbox Go to Test Accounts - Note: I see the same error here before even starting to add an account Click Add Test Account button Fill out form Click Create button Result: I receive the "Something Went Wrong. Try again later." error with no test account created. Expected result: A test account created that I can use to test payment flows in the sandbox before submitting app for review. Any help here would be awesome so we can test before we submit this app! 🙏
Grace Period Not Working - App Store Server Notifications
I'm working in Apple's Sandbox environment to implement in-app purchase of an auto-renewable subscription. I followed the instructions at this link in order to Enable Billing Grace Period: However, when I receive an App Store Server Notification for when the user's billing method fails (DID_FAIL_TO_RENEW), it includes no information about the gracePeriodExpiresDate and we never get a GRACE_PERIOD_EXPIRED notification. Logs showing App Store Server Notification not reflecting Grace Period Enabled. I enabled grace period in App Store Connect like three weeks ago, so it's not a delay there. What can I do to test out Billing Grace Period? Is this just an Apple bug?
React-Native + IAP
Greetings, for the past 2+ weeks I have been going back and forth with the Apple Review team regarding the App Completeness rule. We are using React-Native-IAP package for our in-app purchases and have an issue where in the development environment using sandbox user the purchases show up without issues however when the project goes to review the review team is unable to see these purchases. We have tried explaining that you need to use a physical device as react-native IAP purchases do not work on simulators but have not reached a resolution. For example if we make a production build and run it on a physical IOS devices with sandbox users the purchases show up without issues. Can anyone advise what should be done, so it goes through the review? Even if you do not use react-native any help is welcome! Because this is devastating.
Who calculates refund for iOS In-app purchase upgrade
In my application I have 3 types of monthly auto-renewing subscriptions. Pro 3.99$ Premium 2.99$ Standard 1.99$ A user who is already having a standard subscription plan, plans to upgrade to Premium after 15days of usage. In this case who is responsible for refunding the remaining amount on usage charge. If its developers responsibility what is the API to use and how to calculate refund.
How do subscription promotional offers work for currently subscribed customers?
Hello, I'm trying to understand what happens when a subscribed customer of a subscription A purchases a promotional offer for the same subscription A. Let's say the product is a yearly subscription priced at $100. When the month 7 starts (6 months remaining in the regular subscription period), I send the user a promotional offer for the same product but priced at $25 for the first year (100$ afterwards) and he accepts the offer. Is the promotional offer started only at the end of the current year (after the 6 remaining months) or is it started immediately and he gets a pro-rata refund for the 6 remaining months? Thanks.
How to cancel Auto-renewable subscription bought in TestFlight?
I've read several topics on cancelling subscriptions in sandbox environment, but it seems to me that it could not be applied to TestFlight. I can cancel sandbox subscriptions through Settings > App Store > Sandbox account But since TestFlight does not use sandbox account I cannot cancel a sub from there. Also, TF purchase does not appear in the list of regular subscriptions (Settings > Profile > Media & Purchases). So my question is: is there any way to manually cancel auto-renewable subscription bought in TestFlight build of the app?
Cannot Receive `EXPIRED` Notifications from App Store Server Notifications V2
Hello, I am currently implementing server-side handling for in-app subscription payments and using App Store Server Notifications V2 to receive notifications with a TestFlight account. However, I am not receiving EXPIRED notifications, although I am successfully receiving other notifications such as SUBSCRIBED, DID_RENEW, and DID_CHANGE_RENEWAL_PREF. Here are some details of my observations: Until a certain point, I was receiving EXPIRED notifications without any issues, but they stopped coming in after that point. Each subscription renews every 3 minutes in TestFlight account, and I receive DID_RENEW notifications 7 to 12 times. According to the official documentation, the subscriptions should renew up to 12 times, but I am not receiving exactly 12 DID_RENEW notifications. This inconsistency might be related to the issue. Other notifications (SUBSCRIBED, DID_RENEW, DID_CHANGE_RENEWAL_PREF) are received without any issues. Could anyone provide insight into why this might be happening and suggest any alternative methods to handle subscription expirations in case the EXPIRED notifications are not reliable? Thank you for your assistance. Relevant Official Documentation App Store Server Notifications V2 App Store Server Notifications V2_notificationType Testing in-app purchases with sandbox Current Server Implementation Below is the Kotlin Spring Boot server code currently implemented for handling App Store Server Notifications V2: @RestController class ProductIosController( private val productIosService: ProductIosService, private val appStoreNotificationService: AppStoreNotificationService, ) : BaseController { @PostMapping("/api/v1/ios-products/app-store-notifications-v2") fun handleNotification(@RequestBody @Valid notification: AppStoreNotificationRequest): CustomResponse { appStoreNotificationService.processNotification(notification) return CustomResponse.ok() } } @Service class AppStoreNotificationService( @Qualifier("appStoreClient") private val appStoreServerAPIClient: AppStoreServerAPIClient, @Qualifier("signedVerifier") private val signedDataVerifier: SignedDataVerifier, ) { @Transactional fun processNotification(notification: AppStoreNotificationRequest) {"signedPayload: ${notification.signedPayload}") val decodedPayload = verifyAndDecodeSignedPayload(notification.signedPayload) val notificationType = decodedPayload.notificationType val signedTransactionInfo = val transaction = signedDataVerifier.verifyAndDecodeTransaction(signedTransactionInfo) val (user, product) = fetchUserAndProduct(transaction) when (notificationType) { SUBSCRIBED -> processSubscriptionPurchase(user, product, decodedPayload, transaction) DID_CHANGE_RENEWAL_PREF -> processSubscriptionGradeChange(user, product, decodedPayload, transaction) DID_CHANGE_RENEWAL_STATUS -> processRenewalStatusChange(transaction) OFFER_REDEEMED -> processOfferRedeemed(transaction) DID_RENEW -> processSubscriptionRenewal(user, product, decodedPayload, transaction) EXPIRED -> processSubscriptionExpiration(user, product) DID_FAIL_TO_RENEW -> processFailedRenewal(transaction) GRACE_PERIOD_EXPIRED -> processSubscriptionGracePeriodExpiration(transaction) PRICE_INCREASE -> processPriceIncrease(transaction) REFUND -> processSubscriptionRefund(transaction) REFUND_DECLINED -> processRefundDeclined(transaction) CONSUMPTION_REQUEST -> processConsumptionRequest(transaction) RENEWAL_EXTENDED -> processRenewalExtension(transaction) REVOKE -> processSubscriptionRevocation(transaction) TEST -> processTestNotification(transaction) RENEWAL_EXTENSION -> processRenewalExtension(transaction) REFUND_REVERSED -> processRefundReversed(transaction) EXTERNAL_PURCHASE_TOKEN -> processExternalPurchaseToken(transaction) else -> logger.warn("Unsupported notification type: ${notificationType.value}") } }
Apply increased price to existing subscribers
Hi, We previously scheduled a price change (which did NOT affect existing subscribers) however months later, we have now made a decision to apply the increase to all subscribers. As the price has not increased, I only see the option to preserve and isn't obvious if this has any effect on those grandfathered in the lower price. Can anyone confirm or must I increase the price again?