Explore pie charts and interactivity in Swift Charts

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Discuss the WWDC23 Session Explore pie charts and interactivity in Swift Charts

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`.chartAngleSelection` doesn't register taps when tapping a `SectorMark`, have to hold down a little bit
I'm using .chartAngleSelection to grab the angle of the taps on a SectorMark. When using .chartAngleSelection, it does not register "fast" taps on the screen. You have to hold your finger on the screen for longer than a tap for it to be registered. I've tried the same code with .chartXSelection and .chartYSelection and there is no tap delay. I'm not sure if this is because .chartAngleSelection just came out of beta but it definitely impacts UX.
Nov ’23
How do I get the current visible data items in a chart with scrolling enabled via chartScrollableAxes
Does anyone know of to get the currently visible data items in chart (e.g. BarMarks) on iOS 17 when using chartScrollableAxes. From the WWDC23 video of session "Explore pie charts and interactivity in Swift Charts" at time 8:18 you see that the "Total sales" lists the visible time frame (e.g. May 4 - June 4, 2023) and a few seconds late when the chart scrolls the values do update.
Jul ’23
SwiftUI chart annotation not working when using chartScrollableAxes
When using the new iOS “chartScrollableAxes” feature annotation that should show on top of the chart view no longer work. When disabling “chartScrollableAxes” everything works again. Filed as FB12584128 import SwiftUI import Charts class ChartDataEntry:Identifiable { var date:Date var value:Double init(date:Date, value: Double) { self.date=date self.value=value } } struct ContentView: View { @State var rawSelectedDate: Date? var chartData = [ChartDataEntry(date: Date().yesterday.yesterday.yesterday.yesterday.startOfDay, value: 10.0), ChartDataEntry(date: Date().yesterday.yesterday.yesterday.startOfDay, value: 20.0), ChartDataEntry(date: Date().yesterday.yesterday.startOfDay, value: 30.0), ChartDataEntry(date: Date().yesterday.startOfDay, value: 40.0), ChartDataEntry(date: Date().startOfDay, value: 50.0)] var body: some View { VStack { Chart(chartData) { entry in BarMark( x: .value("Day", entry.date, unit: .day), y: .value("Values", entry.value) ) if let selectedDate { RuleMark( x: .value("Selected", selectedDate, unit: .day)) .foregroundStyle(Color.gray.opacity(0.3)) .offset(yStart: -10) .zIndex(-1) .annotation(position: .top, spacing: -10, overflowResolution: .init( x: .fit(to: .chart), y: .disabled ) ) { Text("Longer Sample Text") } } } .chartScrollableAxes(.horizontal) // <<--- when this is disabled the annotation will be shown correctly .chartXSelection(value: $rawSelectedDate) .frame(height: 300) } .padding() } var selectedDate: Date? { guard let rawSelectedDate else { return nil } return chartData.first(where: { let endOfDay = $0.date.endOfDay return ($0.date ... endOfDay).contains(rawSelectedDate) })?.date } } #Preview { ContentView() } extension Date { var yesterday: Date { return Calendar.current.date(byAdding: .day, value: -1, to: self)! } var startOfDay: Date { return Calendar.current.startOfDay(for: self) } var endOfDay: Date { var components = DateComponents() components.day = 1 components.second = -1 return Calendar.current.date(byAdding: components, to: startOfDay)! } }
Oct ’23
Swift Chart LineMark create chart each time different
Hi There, Same data shows different line drawing. What I am missing here ? Each time I click to see chart, its drawing is different. Chart{ ForEach(data) { series in ForEach(series.data){ entry in LineMark( x: .value("Day", entry.day), y: .value("Amount", entry.amount) ) .foregroundStyle(by: .value("Doc", series.Doc)) .symbol(by: .value("Doc", series.Doc)) PointMark( x: .value("Day", entry.day), y: .value("Sales", entry.amount) ) .foregroundStyle(.purple) .symbolSize(symbolSize) } .lineStyle(StrokeStyle(lineWidth: lineWidth)) } } .chartLegend(position: .top) .chartYScale(domain: .automatic(includesZero: false)) .chartXAxis { AxisMarks(values: .automatic(roundLowerBound: false, roundUpperBound: false)) { value in if value.index < value.count - 1 { AxisValueLabel() } AxisTick() AxisGridLine() } }
Oct ’23
Set initial position on scrollable bar chart?
I have a scrollable barmark chart that is introduced in iOS 17 but I have problem to set the initial horizontal scroll position. I want to use the ".chartScrollPosition(initialX:..." but initialX needs to be of type Plottable I can't understand how I can define that. Here is an example, I want it to scroll to the far right (newest days). I show seven days at a time. import SwiftUI import Charts struct ContentView: View { let stepDays: [StepDay] = [ StepDay(date: Calendar.current.date(byAdding: .day, value: -10, to: Date())!, steps: 12342), StepDay(date: Calendar.current.date(byAdding: .day, value: -9, to: Date())!, steps: 8345), StepDay(date: Calendar.current.date(byAdding: .day, value: -8, to: Date())!, steps: 7656), StepDay(date: Calendar.current.date(byAdding: .day, value: -7, to: Date())!, steps: 4564), StepDay(date: Calendar.current.date(byAdding: .day, value: -6, to: Date())!, steps: 2344), StepDay(date: Calendar.current.date(byAdding: .day, value: -5, to: Date())!, steps: 7654), StepDay(date: Calendar.current.date(byAdding: .day, value: -4, to: Date())!, steps: 4532), StepDay(date: Calendar.current.date(byAdding: .day, value: -3, to: Date())!, steps: 6788), StepDay(date: Calendar.current.date(byAdding: .day, value: -2, to: Date())!, steps: 4567), StepDay(date: Calendar.current.date(byAdding: .day, value: -1, to: Date())!, steps: 5678), StepDay(date: Date(), steps: 1234)] var body: some View { Chart { ForEach(stepDays, id: \.date) { stepDay in BarMark( x: .value("Day", stepDay.weekDay), y: .value("Steps", stepDay.steps) ) } } .chartScrollableAxes(.horizontal) .chartXVisibleDomain(length: 7) // .chartScrollPosition(initialX: <#T##Plottable#>) // I want to scroll to far right so that I can see the newest days, can I do that with chartScrollPosition(initialX:... ??? } } struct StepDay { var date: Date var weekDay: String var steps: Int init(date: Date, steps: Int) { let dateFormatter = DateFormatter() dateFormatter.dateFormat = "d/M" self.date = date self.weekDay = dateFormatter.string(from: date) self.steps = steps } }
Jun ’23