Simplify distribution in Xcode and Xcode Cloud

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Archive Build failed " Command SetOwnerAndGroup failed with a nonzero exit code" in Xcode 14
According to the WWDC202310224 "Simplify distribution in Xcode and Xcode Cloud" video, there are two questions about my development process. First, the developer must use "Development Profile" to config Signing & Capability instead of "Developer ID Application profile" for building Applications? shown as the pictures below Second, after build application successfully with "Development Profile", process Product -> archive will fail with "Command SetOwnerAndGroup failed with a nonzero exit code" error message, I have no idea how to solve this problem. Cloud you please tell me how to successfully archive the DriverKit application step by step and further directly distribute Application ? Thanks for your helpful support.
Feb ’24
xcodebuild distribution documentation
The release notes for Xcode 15 mentions that xcodebuild has support for automatic distribution: xcodebuild -exportArchive supports using App Store Connect authentication keys to upload apps to App Store Connect and the Apple notary service. (76036452) I'm not able to find any documentation about the flags or options to pass to xcodebuild to do automatic TestFlight uploading, and it's not covered in the xcodebuild man pages either. Can someone detail what the command-line flags are to enable this?
Jun ’23