Update Login Item (regarding AssociatedBundleIdentifiers) on a cached machine.

My situtation:

I recently added AssociatedBundleIdentifiers in launchd plist and see the result that my app's name is on the System Settings > Login Items (Allow in the background). But the machine that already has installed the older app without AssociatedBundleIdentifiers still shows Developer ID due to the cached state. And it is commemted at https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/713493.

It can be updated by resetting command and then restarting the system, but doing it on my users' machines seems inappropriate in many ways.

My question:

So, is there any way that I can make the change(Developer ID -> App name) without resetting and restarting by any chance?

It can be updated by resetting command

What do you mean by “resetting command”? Are you referring to sfltool?

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + "apple.com"

Yes, I referred sfltool. I just want to make sure whether there is any other way to update login item without doing $ sfltool resetbtm + restart the system.

whether there is any other way to update login item

There is not.

IMO this should not be necessary. The system should flush its cache when you make changes like this. If this reproduces in realistic user scenarios, I recommend that you file a bug about it. Please post your bug number, just for the record.

And to clarify, by “realistic user scenarios” I mean:

  1. On a fresh machine…

  2. Install the old version of your product.

  3. Then update it to the new version as a typical user would.

Steps 1 is important. You don’t want to be testing stuff like this on your day-to-day development machine.

Likewise for step 2. Not all update scenarios are created equally.

Make sure to attached both the old and new versions of your product to your bug report.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + "apple.com"

I did file a bug with FB12140694

I tried "realistic user scenarios" recently and found out that the app's icon is updated perfectly but the app's name is still my developer ID. While this is really a trivial matter, I filed bug report to briefly let you know and to manage my own tasks as well. I attached an old app, a new one and the output from [ sfltool dumpbtm ] for reference.

macOS 13.3.1(22E261)

  1. Installed my earlier App.
  2. My developer ID showed up with a default gray icon on Login Items > Background Items
  3. Updated the app to new one that add AssociatedBundleIdentifiers in plists of my daemon and the agent.
  4. Upadate finished.
  5. My developer ID wasn't changed to my app's name but the icon has changed properly.

P.S. When I installed my new app on clean macOS, the app's name and icon showed up perfectly on Login Items > Background Items.

Did you ever get anywhere with this? I've been battling the same problem for months and have only just stumbled upon the sfltool resetbtm "solution" but it feels a bit like a nuclear option - and definitely not one I'd like to recommend to customers.

Is there a way (with sfltool or otherwise) to reset just a particular app? Or even to add them back in programmatically if I do a dumpbtm first?

Update Login Item (regarding AssociatedBundleIdentifiers) on a cached machine.