Invalid Provisioning Profile error when updating macOs app with Xcode 14.2

I'm trying to update our Mac version of our iOS app using Xcode 14.2, the update worked using Xcode 11. The detailed error is:

Invalid Provisioning Profile. The provisioning profile included in the bundle [] is invalid. [Invalid '' entitlement value.] For more information, visit the macOS Developer Portal. (ID: 8dd00921-66a8-4eea-b0c5-e674b5073df5)

The entitlements are: true true true true get-task-allow false true true ZZZZZZZZZZ application-identifier true true

I assume the problem has something to do with the application-identifier having a team identifier prefix (ZZZZZZ...) instead of the developer identifier prefix (YYYYYY...)? How can I fix this? I have seen posts from other people having the same problem but haven't found any solution.

Does the Mac version of your app ship on the Mac App Store? Or do you distribute it independently, using Developer ID signing?

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""

It ships on the Mac App Store


You wrote:

I assume the problem has something to do with the application-identifier having a team identifier prefix (ZZZZZZ.) instead of the developer identifier prefix (YYYYYY.)?

The latter is not related to the developer. Rather, when you created your Mac app you gave it a unique App ID prefix [1].

Unique App ID prefixe are a pain. While they are still supported, they limit your options and often cause tooling problems. In most cases it’s easier to switch to using your Team ID as your App ID prefix.

The standard reference on this is TN2311 Managing Multiple App ID Prefixes. I also discuss one aspect of this change in App ID Prefix Change and Keychain Access.

So, my advice is:

  1. Look at your app to see whether changing from a unique App ID prefix to your Team ID is feasible.

  2. If it is, start that process.

  3. Then deal with this issue.

If changing your App ID prefix isn’t feasible, we’ll have to explore other options.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""

[1] This probably isn’t your fault, in that there’s an ongoing misfeature on the Developer website (r. 70571514) that encourages folks to make this mistake.

Invalid Provisioning Profile error when updating macOs app with Xcode 14.2