CopyCat Rejection - what documents are required to verify that the app is mine?


I've tried a dozen times to upload my app, each time getting a response that the app was rejected due to 4.1 copycats.

The most recent response:

Guideline 4.1 - Design - Copycats.
This app or its metadata appears to be misrepresenting itself as another popular app or game already available on the App Store, from a developer's website or distribution source, or from a third-party platform.

On my requests to clarify what exactly was identified as copycats, no specifics were given to me. Because of this I conclude that it is not about some stock images or sound assets, but that it is specifically about my application (name and icon).

I am the solo developer of the app and it has been available for 5 years on Google Play. No other platforms have my app on them, only Google Play. Since Apple has not provided me with specifics about what they need as proof of rights to the app, I have screen recorded my personal Google Play Developer Console account, which proves that I have all the necessary rights to manage my app on Google Play.

To this I received the following response:

Guideline 4.1 - Design - Copycats

This app or its metadata appears to be misrepresenting itself as another popular app or game already available on the App Store, from a developer's website or distribution source, or from a third-party platform.

Apps should be unique and should not attempt to deceive users into thinking they are downloading something they are not.

We did not receive sufficient documentation.

Please help me understand what documentation they are talking about if I am a solo developer with every right to my own app. Do they want me to register a company and register the naming rights to my app?

if I am a solo developer with every right to my own app.

I don't think that's the point. You could be a solo developer, having fully developed the app but have designed it very similar to another app.

Or your app name or visual appear too similar to an existing app. The fact that it is on another store does not matter for the reviewer.

Have you searched the appstore for such similar app ? Once you have found you could either modify your app or try to explain to reviewer why it is not copycat (more difficult).

I got a response from the App Review Department, they said that the "4.1 copycats" issue no longer applies to my app. I guess everything is fine now (for now).

Hello, sir! Could you kindly assist me in resolving this problem? I'm experiencing the same issue and would greatly appreciate your help.

CopyCat Rejection - what documents are required to verify that the app is mine?