Lost in developer certificates jungle

Apple Transporter.app report this issue: Asset validation failed (90237) The product archive package's signature is invalid. Ensure that it is signed with your "3rd Party Mac Developer Installer" certificate.

In the post "https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/680438" Quinn “The Eskimo!” reply: For the Mac App Store you need: Apple Development: TTT (or the older Mac Developer: TTT) for day-to-day development 3rd Party Mac Developer Installer: TTT for signing the installer package you submit to App Store Connect 3rd Party Mac Developer Application: TTT for signing the code inside that installer package

In https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29039462/which-certificate-should-i-use-to-sign-my-mac-os-x-application" Apple Codesigning Certificate Types Mac App Distribution 3rd Party Mac Developer Application: Team Name Used to sign a Mac app before submitting it to the Mac App Store. Mac Installer Distribution 3rd Party Mac Developer Installer: Team Name Used to sign and submit a Mac Installer Package, containing your signed app, to the Mac App Store.

Both Mac App Distribution and Mac App Distribution was added to Keychain Access:

Picture 1:

Xcode -> Preferences -> Account -> Manage Certificates show that "Mac Installer Distribution" is there:

Picture 2:

And "Mac Installer Distribution" is also shown in my "Account" -> Certificates, IDs & Profiles -> Certificates in developer.apple.com

Picture 3:

Is "3rd Party Mac Developer Installer" = "Mac Installer Distribution" missing somewhere ?

What can I do to fix "Asset validation failed (90237)" in Apple Transporter.app ?

Sorry, the picture does not appear in the post !

Lost in developer certificates jungle