I've been digging through the apple docs for a way to open a View from a NavigationLink where the SideBar is collapsed by default.
Everything I've tried leaves the side bar visible (but collapsible by pressing the sidebar button). I would like the default behaviour to be that the SideBar is not visible.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to achieve this?
Selecting any option will automatically load the page
Hi hive mind,
I have Xcode Beta 4 and I've been trying to use the "cktool" development tool for command line interaction with CloudKit, but for whatever reason when I follow the video from WWDC21-10118, xcrun cannot find cktool.
HAs anyone managed to run the tool as yet? I am assuming not, because there are no questions about cktool in the forum as far as I can tell.
Or.... it just works and I'm doing something dumb.
Either way some assistance would be great, especially from our friends in Apple.
I've been trying to get CloudKit sharing working on the beta without success so far and Beta 3 has offered a new problemL
When I try to create a new project with CoreData and iCloud enabled, and then go to add the iCloud capability to the project, I get three errors in the provisioning step:
"There is no iCloud container on this team"
"Provisioning profile doesn't support the iCloud Container
Provisioning profile doesn't match the entitlements file's value for the com.apple.developer.icloud-container-identifiers entitlement.
Does anyone have any idea what's going wrong here?
App & System Services
iCloud & Data
iCloud Drive
Provisioning Profiles
Hey all,
I've just taken Xcode 13 Beta 2, and I still can't get the sample code from the "Sharing-Data" code to work properly, and nor does the boilerplate code from creating a new project that incorporates CodeData and CloudKit work.
Fo far my feedback items have not been identified as having other similar issues - based on the posts I'm seeing I'm not the only one experiencing the same problem.
Has anyone got this code built and working yet? Mine breaks when you try to copy the sharing link.
App & System Services
iCloud & Data
Cloud and Local Storage
UI Frameworks
Hopefully everyone's recovered from WWDC2021 last week!
I've been digging through as much of the new documentation as I can about the NSPersistentCloudKitContainer and sharing over the last couple of days (since I can't get my code working in the XC 13 Beta... looks like a couple of bugs, I think...), and have a question.
It appears that this uses Sharing by Record Zone rather than Sharing by Record, which is fine, but...
How does this work when you are sharing entities between multiple users? for example...
My Db contains a hierarchy of entities under a single root node, and there are multiple such entities (at the moment without overlap between the sub-entities, but I feel like that's just around the corner).
Lets call them Entities A, B, and C.
Entity A I want to share with Joe.
Entity B I want to share with Joe and Sally.
Entity C I want to share with Sally and Simon.
So, for Entity A I presume that it (and it's sub entities) wind up being represented in a shared record zone (SRZ) of it's own.
Entity B winds up being represented in another, separate SRZ.
Entity C winds up being represented in yet another SRZ.
So... now if I delete the share for Sally on Entity B, does it remain in its own SRZ?
And... if I'm right about this, how is the proliferation of new SRZ's managed within CloudKit Dashboard - very quickly the SRZ space could become seriously bloated and unmanageable...
G'day everyone,
I've had some problems with CoreData+CloudKit, and figured I would go back to basics and start from scratch with a new project. (Note: I'm using the Xcode 13.0 Beta with iOS 15 to try to use sharing on NSPersistentCloudKitContainer as discussed in WWDC2021, but these problems are scattered over the net without any answers to date)
When I go through the motions of adding iCloud to the project, assign a new (unique) container and then build the app, two problems arise:
the simulator comes back with a blank screen (without the Edit or add controls from the boilerplate). Even the preview pane seems broken (no "Add Item" button). This worked in Xcode 12, so I am assuming there is something that's come up as a bug here.
More importantly, I get a swath of errors and warnings in the debug console related to CloudKit. It looks like there is some sort of identity problem here. There is no schema generated as yet in the CloudKit dashboard, so I am guessing that the migration errors are happening because the database hasn't yet established because of the identify problem.
Does anyone have any insight into what I'm missing here?