




How does DerivedData really work on Xcode Cloud?
Currently Im trying to save few files in it but on every run this folder is empty. I have the following script in mkdir ${CI_DERIVED_DATA_PATH} cd ${CI_DERIVED_DATA_PATH} ls -als touch test return 1 My expectation is that on the second run it would show test file in DerivedData or fail at creating the directory, but the issue is that this file is not created. does it need a successful build for this folder to be saved? in Xcode Cloud, in workflow environment I have unchecked Clean build Xcode Cloud will not restore derived data or caches for your builds, which may take significantly longer as a result.. One more question here would be what is meant by caches? are there other folders being saved? Also a bit of context. Im trying to build a Kotlin Multiplatform project but it fails with Showing All Issues > Could not resolve all files for configuration ':composeApp:iosArm64CompileKlibraries'. > Could not download lifecycle-viewmodel.klib (androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-viewmodel-iosarm64:2.9.0-alpha03) > Could not get resource ''. > Could not GET ''. > Got socket exception during request. It might be caused by SSL misconfiguration > Connection reset by peer my guess is that Xcode Cloud or Google servers probably has some limitation. So if I cache those libraries my project will hopefuly compile once again.
Dec ’24