Xcode Cloud

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Automate workflows to test, analyze, build, and distribute your app, and integrate them with other developer tools, such as TestFlight and App Store Connect.

Posts under Xcode Cloud tag

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Xcode crash reports from TestFlight
My application is in flightTest mode. I received my first two crash reports in XCODE /Organizer. The context is well described, and I was able to isolate the locations where very serious errors occurred. My application is connected. I'm missing one piece of data in this crash report: the time of the crash. This will help me see what (in my case) static data was being read on the data server at that time. This will help me investigate. Is it possible to obtain this information?
Xcode Cloud Code Signing Issue – App Store Review Can’t Open Exported App
Hey everyone, We’re running into a frustrating issue with Xcode Cloud builds submitted to App Store Review. After every build, we must manually delete all code signing certificates generated by Xcode Cloud; otherwise, the reviewers can’t open the exported App Store app. When they try to open it, they see the error: “Apple Information Security: A process was blocked from running and moved to Trash: [Our App Name]” Oddly enough, if we delete all Xcode Cloud-generated certificates and then trigger a new Xcode Cloud build, the problem temporarily disappears—until the next submission, where we have to repeat the process. Has anyone else encountered this issue? Any recommendations on how to prevent this from happening? We’d rather not keep trashing certificates after every build. Thanks!
Xcode Cloud can't connect to Self-Hosted Gitlab Instance using the Change URL function
Hi, I'm trying to use the change url functionality to switch my Xcode Cloud setup from Gitlab.com to my self hosted Gitlab instance. The setup process completes successfully, however, Xcode Cloud does not create any web hooks in my repo and also is not able to fetch any branch/tag information from the Gitlab instance. There is also no error displayed on Xcode Cloud UI. I even tried to debug by looking at requests on my server to see if there are any clues, to no avail. The only clue seems to be that in my repositories page, I see the instance listed but the row is highlighted red (which I assume means there's an issue with the connection). The last accessed date is also empty. The call to the /repos-v3 endpoint from App Store Connect seems to indicate there's an authentication issue: { "primary_repos" : [ { "repo" : { "id" : "xxxxxxxxxxx", "http_clone_url" : "xxxxxxxxxxx", "owner_name" : "xxxxxxxxxxx", "repo_name" : "xxxxxxxxxxx-ios", "repo_id" : "7", "provider" : "gitlab-hosted", "ssh_clone_url" : "ssh://xxxxxxxxxxx", "scp_clone_url" : "git@xxxxxxxxxxx", "default_branch" : "master" }, "authorization_state" : "unauthorized" } ], "additional_repos" : [ ], "unauthorized_repos" : [ ], "revoked_repos" : [ ] } On my end, when I try to add the repository to Xcode Cloud, I see a few requests to my GitLab instance, all of which succeed with 200: {"time":"2025-03-11T21:10:26.217Z","severity":"INFO","duration_s":0.05674,"db_duration_s":0.00567,"view_duration_s":0.05107,"status":200,"method":"GET","path":"/api/v4/user",.... {"time":"2025-03-11T21:10:26.797Z","severity":"INFO","duration_s":0.16682,"db_duration_s":0.02024,"view_duration_s":0.14658,"status":200,"method":"GET","path":"/api/v4/projects/xxxxxx%2Fxxxxxx-ios",.... {"time":"2025-03-11T21:10:28.298Z","severity":"INFO","duration_s":0.06617,"db_duration_s":0.00835,"view_duration_s":0.05782,"status":200,"method":"GET","path":"/api/v4/user",.... {"time":"2025-03-11T21:10:28.867Z","severity":"INFO","duration_s":0.21071,"db_duration_s":0.03075,"view_duration_s":0.17996,"status":200,"method":"GET","path":"/api/v4/projects/xxxxxx%2Fxxxxxx-ios",.... {"time":"2025-03-11T21:10:30.621Z","severity":"INFO","duration_s":0.15613,"db_duration_s":0.01842,"view_duration_s":0.13771,"status":200,"method":"GET","path":"/api/v4/projects/7",.... {"time":"2025-03-11T21:10:31.239Z","severity":"INFO","duration_s":0.1672,"db_duration_s":0.01828,"view_duration_s":0.14892,"status":200,"method":"GET","path":"/api/v4/projects/7",..... At this point I'm sure this is some sort of a bug with Xcode Cloud since the requests do succeed but Xcode Cloud is unable to process the responses and identify the correct branches and tags, as well as set the web hook for the repo.
Xcode Cloud Signing Issue
There seems to be a problem to a specific Apple Developer Account regarding Xcode Cloud Distribution (Signing). The Xcode Cloud Error Invalid Signature. Code failed to satisfy specified code requirement(s). The file at path “XcodeCloudTest.app/XcodeCloudTest” is not properly signed. Make sure you have signed your application with a distribution certificate, not an ad hoc certificate or a development certificate. Verify that the code signing settings in Xcode are correct at the target level (which override any values at the project level). Additionally, make sure the bundle you are uploading was built using a Release target in Xcode, not a Simulator target. If you are certain your code signing settings are correct, choose “Clean All” in Xcode, delete the “build” directory in the Finder, and rebuild your release target. For more information, please consult https://developer.apple.com/support/code-signing. Investigation Apple Developer Forums This issue seems to be known: https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/746210 Debugging by ourselves We setup an example Xcode project from a default iOS Xcode app template to rule out any project issues. This example project failed with the same error as stated above. In the next step we tried the same example project with a different Apple Developer Account and it successfully distributed the example App through Xcode Cloud. Conclusion It seems like there is no setup issue on developer-side, because our example project works out-of-the-box on a different Apple Developer Account. Our only hope is that Apple will have a look on our Developer Account. Maybe there is some internal setting.
Xcode Cloud workflows not transferring when transferring app ownership
We are transferring ownership of an app from one org to another. Most things seem to be transferring as expected thus far according to this page, with the exception of our Xcode Cloud configuration and workflows. I understand that they are connected to source code (Github in this case), so those would probably need to be reconnected, but is there any way to get some of the configuration/workflows transferred?
Cloud Signing via Developer ID doesn't seem to work with Admin API Keys
Hi, I'm having a really hard time figuring out why I cannot perform cloud signing via Developer ID with xcodebuild. I have a macOS application, which I can perfectly cloud sign the following way: Sign into Xcode with my Admin + Account Holder Apple ID. Delete my Developer ID Application certificate from Keychain Access. In Xcode, click Archive. When archived, click "Distribute App" in Xcode Organizer. The app is cloud signed. I prove this by extracting the certificate codesign --extract-certificates -- /path/to/app.app then locate the 1.2.840.113635. bit mentioned by Quinn in this post. I however do it by simply opening the certifiacte with Keychain Access, where I can investigate the content of the certificate, rather than use that tool he does. Then, I do the following to attempt to cloud sign via xcodebuild: Create an API Key for the whole team in Users and Access > Integrations > App Store Connect with the "Admin" role selected. Download the private key .p8 file to ~/Downloads. Sign out of my Apple ID in Xcode by removing the account in Settings > Accounts. Create an archive: xcodebuild archive -scheme "<redacted scheme name>" -archivePath ~/Downloads/archive.xcarchive -authenticationKeyIssuerID <redacted issuer id> -authenticationKeyID <redacted key id> -authenticationKeyPath ~/Downloads/AuthKey_<redacted key id>.p8 -allowProvisioningUpdates The archive is successfully created, with a new "Apple Development: Created via API (TEAM ID)" naming. Export the archive: xcodebuild -exportArchive -archivePath ~/Downloads/archive.xcarchive -authenticationKeyIssuerID <redacted issuer id> -authenticationKeyID <redacted key id> -authenticationKeyPath ~/Downloads/AuthKey_<redacted key id>.p8 -allowProvisioningUpdates -exportOptionsPlist ~/Downloads/exportOptions.plist -exportPath ~/Downloads which then fails: 2025-03-07 10:27:58.706 xcodebuild[2152:40704] [MT] IDEDistribution: -[IDEDistributionLogging _createLoggingBundleAtPath:]: Created bundle at path "/var/folders/tn/yy7ynz3d0yb4p3sd_5q_wl0h0000gn/T/<redacted app name> macOS_2025-03-07_10-27-58.706.xcdistributionlogs". error: exportArchive Cloud signing permission error error: exportArchive No signing certificate "Developer ID Application" found ** EXPORT FAILED ** Opening the distribution logs, I find this in the Provisioning Log: 2025-03-07 09:09:58 +0000 2025-03-07 09:09:58 +0000 IDEProvisioningRepair(<redacted app name>.app): 2025-03-07 09:09:58 +0000 IDEProvisioningRepair(<redacted app name>.app): Sending request 84E57539-BC1D-407A-8402-7BCE9F2FD100 to <https://appstoreconnect.apple.com/xcbuild/v1/certificates> for session DVTServicesTeamBasedSession <issuer: <redacted issuer id>; key identifier: <redacted key id>>. Method: POST Headers: { Accept = "application/vnd.api+json"; "Accept-Encoding" = "gzip, deflate"; Authorization = "Bearer <redacted bearer token>"; "Content-Length" = 116; "Content-Type" = "application/vnd.api+json"; "User-Agent" = Xcode; "X-HTTP-Method-Override" = GET; "X-Xcode-Version" = "16.2 (16C5032a)"; } Payload: {"urlEncodedQueryParams":"teamId=<redacted team id>&filter%5BcertificateType%5D=DEVELOPER_ID_APPLICATION_MANAGED&limit=200"} 2025-03-07 09:09:59 +0000 2025-03-07 09:09:59 +0000 IDEProvisioningRepair(<redacted app name>.app): 2025-03-07 09:09:59 +0000 IDEProvisioningRepair(<redacted app name>.app): Received response for 84E57539-BC1D-407A-8402-7BCE9F2FD100 @ <https://appstoreconnect.apple.com/xcbuild/v1/certificates>. Code = 0 2025-03-07 09:09:59 +0000 2025-03-07 09:09:59 +0000 IDEProvisioningRepair(<redacted app name>.app): 2025-03-07 09:09:59 +0000 IDEProvisioningRepair(<redacted app name>.app): Response payload: { "errors" : [ { "id" : "3d09690a-e26f-497f-b576-25104064387e", "status" : "403", "code" : "FORBIDDEN_ERROR", "title" : "This request is forbidden for security reasons", "resultCode" : 7495, "detail" : "You haven't been given access to cloud-managed distribution certificates. Please contact your team's Account Holder or an Admin to give you access. If you need further assistance, contact Apple Developer Program Support at https://developer.apple.com/contact/." } ] } Which is really weird, since I am using an API key with Admin rights. If I create a new key, and use it only for this command, App Store Connect does show the "Last Used" date as today after running the command. I thought some time might need to pass, but the issue has been persisting since yesterday. What could be wrong here? I do have a managed Developer ID Application certificate showing in my account but I still can't retrieve it with an Admin right imbued API key.
Xcode Cloud fails every build
Since yesterday, Xcode cloud no longer seems to be successful in building our workflows. We're relying on Xcode Cloud for our CI, and the downtime is hindering us greatly. I've seen there is an issue on https://developer.apple.com/system-status/. Any indication of progress on this issue would be appreciated.
Failed to prepare device
We are getting unreliable results on XCode Cloud tests. I'm not sure if it's related to the current service outage. I'm running a very simple XCTest UI suite, on some devices it succeds and it others it fails to start. I'm not getting a userful error message. MyApp-Runner encountered an error (Failed to prepare device 'iPhone 16 Pro Max' for impending launch. (Underlying Error: Unable to boot the Simulator. launchd failed to respond. (Underlying Error: Failed to start launchd_sim: could not bind to session, launchd_sim may have crashed or quit responding)))
Requesting permission for MusicKit in Xcode Cloud
I am experimenting with Swift Testing and Xcode Cloud and would like to write some tests that require to use MusicKit functionality. For example I'd like to fetch an album via MusicCatalogRessourceRequest to test an initializer of another struct. However this test fails because the permission to access the music library is not granted. Once the permission is granted, the test works as expected. Things I have tried: Add NSPrivacyAccessedAPITypes to the Info.plist. This did not show any effect. Below is the corresponding snippet Trying to tap the button programmatically. Once again this did not show any effect. The Info.plist snippet: <key>NSPrivacyAccessedAPITypes</key> <array> <string>NSPrivacyAccessedAPIMediaLibrary</string> </array> The code snippet to tap the button: let systemAlerts = XCUIApplication(bundleIdentifier: "com.apple.springboard") let allowButton = systemAlerts.buttons["Allow"] if allowButton.exists { allowButton.tap() } What am I doing wrong here? I need access to MusicKit functionalities to write meaningful tests. Thank you
Feb ’25
Initial Setup of Xcode Cloud won't grant Github access
I'm trying to set up Xcode Cloud for the first time. When I go through the "Get Started" flow and get to "Grant Access to Your Source Code" step, when I click the "Grant Access" button, I get "This Operation Could Not Be Completed." It has the correct URL to my Github repo. Github is working fine in Xcode itself: I can push and pull changes and view repo history. I've tried: restarting Xcode rebooting the Mac Removing the Github account from Xcode and adding it back Creating a new Github personal token and removing the Github account from Xcode and using the new token to add it back I've looked through my Github settings and don't see anything that might cause an issue. I filed FB16511549 to report this. The error dialog in Xcode automatically filled the feedback fields, and says: "API Invalid status code: 500. XcodeCloudCombineAPI.XCCResponseError:1" I'm running Xcode 16.2 (16C5032a) on an M4 MacBook Pro running Sequoia 15.3.1 (24D70). Does anyone have any insights or ideas of other things to try? Thanks.
Feb ’25
Xcode Cloud won't load from Xcode or App Store Connect
I am setting up a new app and am having problems with Xcode Cloud. From Xcode if I click on the "Cloud" button under the Report Navigator I get a spinner for a long time then get the message "Could not load Xcode Cloud data". I also visited the "Xcode Cloud" tab under my app in App Store Connect and I get a spinner and nothing loads. This is a recent account and I'm setting up Xcode Cloud for the first time. Below is what I've tried and I'm out of ideas on how to get this working. In Xcode, I signed out and back in as the Account Holder Closed Xcode and reopened This occurred yesterday and today and have not seen a problem under the Apple System Status page On the latest Xcode 16.2 Checked the Signing & Capabilities tab in Xcode and my team a bundle Id is correct and it's happy with signing. At this time on my machine I am using the distribution profile.
Feb ’25
Failed qualification checks ad-hoc profile
Hi, We have an app that is a default mail client, so it has this entry in its entitlements file: com.apple.developer.mail-client. This seems to create issues with ad-hoc distribution. We can distribute the app on App Store Connect without any issues and have been doing so for a while. We wanted to try using Xcode Cloud to manage our releases. The app export works fine for both App Store Distribution and Development Distribution. However, the ad-hoc distribution step fails. (We don't need ad-hoc distribution, but Xcode Cloud seems to prevent us from removing this step.) I tried building and releasing the app locally for ad-hoc distribution and encountered the same error as on Xcode Cloud. When Xcode tries to generate the profile, it outputs the following error: Provisioning profile "iOS Team Ad Hoc Provisioning Profile: com.infomaniak.mail" failed qualification checks: Profile doesn't support Default Mail App. Profile doesn't include the com.apple.developer.mail-client entitlement. Is it something broken with our config ? What are we missing ? Local error in Xcode Organizer: Remote error on Xcode cloud:
Feb ’25
Export archive for app-store distribution command: 'xcodebuild -exportArchive -archivePath ...' exited with non-zero exit-code: 70
Hi, I have a project that integrates the Firebase SDK via SPM as a dependency of an internal Swift Package: My app ⟶ My Library ⟶ Firebase SDK The project builds successfully and can be archived locally ✅. The uploaded .ipa is valid and gets published 🚀. However, we are now trying to automate the release process using Xcode Cloud, but the iOS Archive action is failing ❌ on Xcode Cloud. The logs show the following error ⬇️: error: exportArchive codesign command failed (/Volumes/workspace/tmp/XcodeDistPipeline/XcodeDistPipeline.~~~oomCvM/Root/Payload/base-ios.app/Frameworks/FirebaseAnalytics.framework: replacing existing signature /Volumes/workspace/tmp/XcodeDistPipeline/XcodeDistPipeline.~~~oomCvM/Root/Payload/base-ios.app/Frameworks/FirebaseAnalytics.framework: invalid or corrupted code requirement(s) Requirement syntax error(s): line 1:178: unexpected token: <COMPANY_NAME> ) ** EXPORT FAILED ** I have been researching this issue for a while and have tried several solutions to fix it, but with no luck. Even though the error points to a specific library—the Firebase SDK—I don’t believe Firebase is the root cause. There were related issues in the past, but those were already fixed by the Firebase team, and as I mentioned, the project archives correctly when built locally. On the other hand, the error states: line 1:178: unexpected token: <COMPANY_ACRONYM> This makes me wonder if there’s an issue parsing our Team Name during the re-signing process, as it contains special characters ": "name": "Apple Distribution: Company Full Name "COMPANY_ACRONYM""
Feb ’25
XCode Cloud Scan dependencies, Module not found
Hi everyone, We're developing a mobile app with Flutter and I linked my GitHub with XCode Cloud. This is the first time we're using XCode Cloud and we are struggling with the build, they fail every time. A little context, we started by adding the ci_post_clone.sh script, then adding a few files in the versioning, etc... Now it looks like the build is going through be we are facing issues with the part: Scan dependencies of GeneratedPluginRegistrant.m It's throwing an error: Module 'cloud_firestore' not found, even though the module is installed before by performing a pod install. It's building locally on both Flutter with IntelliJ and XCode, we tried several times to flutter clean or pod deintegrate but nothing works! Any clue? Thanks,
Feb ’25
Individual to organization account migration - how long does it take?
Hello, I submitted a request to migrate my developer membership from individual to organization over 6 days ago. Before submitting this request I was told it was a "quick process". When I ask for updates, all I get is "we have confirmed that the team is continuing to review your case and we will contact you again once they have provided an update." I never get any said updates. Not only can I not submit my app, I've been locked out of TestFlight, meaning I haven't been able to send the app to beta testers. I'm curious, has anyone done this migration and how long did it take?
Feb ’25