I am having the same issue with a new 13" MBP (2020 M1 Big Sur) with a very lean system build. The problem is intermittent and difficult to reproduce, so the following may not be correct, but I think it might only be happening when both of the following are true: (a) upon wake from sleep and (b) when connected to my external display (an Apple Thunderbolt Display).
As the Hiservices framework contains interfaces for internet config, I wonder if it could be related to switching network interface from wifi to Display Ethernet.
I believe I have ruled out anything having to do with Date & Time, as I have "Set time zone automatically" turned off, together with the applicable Location access in Security & Privacy.
Other things I had initially suspected that I have ruled out so far:
Any apps with Accessibility access;
SteerMouse Manager;
Bartender 4;
Carbon Copy Cloner's daemon;
MS Exchange calendars; and
Parallels 16.5.
I also have an older 15" MBP (2018 Big Sur, Intel obviously) with a nearly identical software build and it does not have the issue. And a 13" MBA (2020 M1) which also does not have the issue. I am completely baffled and I am seriously considering erasing the 13" MBP and starting over with a fresh copy of Big Sur.
I hope this helps and we can get to the bottom of it.
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