




Open iOS Weather App
I am using WeatherKit to display relevant weather information to the User in my App. I also thought it would be helpful to show any time-sensitive WeatherAlert. I would like to direct the User directly into the system Weather app to get more details/information. weather://open ... works... Is this a faux-pas? Is there a approved/proper way of doing this? I know WeatherAlert.detailsURL exists but I figured it may be useful for the User to see all details related to weather right from the source.
Jul ’24
Empty Journal suggestions
I am trying out Journal in my project. I have conditionally imported the framework. #if canImport(JournalingSuggestions) import JournalingSuggestions #endif I have added it in my target's App Capability. The very first time I presented the sheet, I was able to grant permissions and saw some photo suggestions. On every launch since, the Journal suggestions are empty and I'm not sure how to get any content as selectable. I have the same issue while using .journalingSuggestionsPicker or SuggestionsPicker. I am seeing Double dismiss of MOSuggestionSheet... not sure if that could be related?
Dec ’23
RequestReviewAction + NavigationLink
Problem I am using the environment var RequestReviewAction in my App whenever possible: @Environment(\.requestReview) var requestReview: RequestReviewAction self.requestReview.callAsFunction() I noticed that in views presented via NavigationLink the prompt is not shown for some strange reason. However if I instead use SKStoreReviewController, the Review prompts are shown... SKStoreReviewController.requestReview(in: scene) Has anyone else encountered this issue? Example import StoreKit struct PrimaryView: View { @Environment(\.requestReview) private var requestReview: RequestReviewAction var body: some View { NavigationStack() { VStack() { Text("Primary") NavigationLink(destination: DetailView()) { Text("Show detail") } } } .task() { self.requestReview.callAsFunction() } // This works } } struct DetailView: View { @Environment(\.requestReview) private var requestReview: RequestReviewAction var body: some View { Text("Secondary") .task() { self.requestReview.callAsFunction() } // This does not work } } Note: I am pretty certain you cannot have two prompts in the same session so you should comment out the .task on PrimaryView
Oct ’23