Now that I'm past being upset about the removal of the Core Data Diagram View (without notice in version release notes), I want to add my rationale for restoring this feature.
I am working a Core Data model with 29 entities including several parent/child relationships. It's not a perfect relational database by any means. The diagram view was my GOTO to restrain the complexity I was modeling. If I could not unravel the diagram to keep the lines from crossing, then there likely was something wrong. Now I am looking at my data model in the traditional editor view and I have no idea how these forcibly alphabetized entities relate to each other a s a group. It's a HUGE LOSS for me, and I am VERY DISAPPOINTED.
OK, so I'm only one developer in millions. I'm guessing more will come to realize this is missing as they try to produce a diagram view. But really, Apple, this is a sleazy slight of hand you just foisted on all of us.
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