




Reply to Preferred Actions in Alerts
Not sure this is helpful, but the HIG for Alerts says the cancel button should be the bold one: "Identify destructive buttons. If an alert button results in a destructive action, such as deleting content, set the button’s style to Destructive so that it gets appropriate formatting by the system. For developer guidance, see the UIAlertActionStyleDestructive constant of UIAlertAction. Additionally, provide a Cancel button so people can safely opt out of the destructive action. Make the Cancel button bold by marking it as the default button."
Topic: UI Frameworks SubTopic: SwiftUI Tags:
Aug ’21
Reply to watchOS Button background color in SwiftUI?
Hi Frameworks Engineer, thank you for your response! The BorderedButtonStyle does properly set the cornerRadius, but the tint color doesn't appear to set directly - since it's a tint, it seems to have a very low alpha, so the overall button is still very dark. I'm hoping to produce an effect more like the Weather app on watchOS 6 and 7, where you notice the "Add City" button is a very bright blue with alpha 1.0. Is there a way to do this?
Topic: UI Frameworks SubTopic: SwiftUI Tags:
Aug ’20
Reply to new UIDatePicker as inputView
I'm not the original poster but I have the same issue. Andy, I watched that session and read the APIs but nowhere does it say that UIDatePicker is no longer supported for being used as an inputView. There may be designs in which the classic input view is still desired, and it seems like it should still be supported in iOS 14. Is this a bug, anyone from Apple?
Topic: UI Frameworks SubTopic: UIKit Tags:
Jul ’20