I'm becoming crazy after struggling with this problem for many days. I'm unable to distribute ad-hoc my app because I receive this error:
"*** has one apple distribution certificate but its private key are not installed contact the creator of the certificate to get a copy of the private key"
xcode version: 11.3.1
This is the steps I did in xCode:
1- Linked xCode with my apple-id through the login section
2- in the signing menu section I checked "automatically manage signing" and provisioning profile is setup to "xcode managed". After that It created corretcly a new apple development certificate. In my keyChain the new certificate appeared with its private key
3- I built the app and the process ended correctly
4- In the organizer window the new distribution appeared and clicked "Distribute App", then selected "Ad Hoc" distribution
5- When It asked how would I have preferred to sign the distribution, I checked "Automatically signing". It said that a distribution certificate had to be created and I let it did. A new distribution certificate was successfully created.
6- In my keyChain the new distribution certificate appeared correctly with its private key.
7- I went in the web apple dev account manager and created a distribution profile with the new distribution certificate created at step 5 in xCode, I associated the list of permitted devices (previously created).
8- I came back to xCode to finish the signing process but I got the error saying that *** has one apple distribution certificate but its private key are not installed contact the creator of the certificate to get a copy of the private key.
In this last window of the error, if I click on "manage certificate" why it shows 2 certificate where one has missing privatekey? With step 5 I only created one distribution certificate and also in apple dev manager there is only one distr cert
Basic stuff like restarting mac, xcode had no success. I googled a lot the problem but the main fix, that is, ask the owner of the certificate for the private key, it dosen't work for me because I'm the owner of the distribution certificate that correctly appears in my keyChain with its private key.
Could be a problem related to the CSR? In generale do I need to inform xCode about what CSR to use? Or it does the csr stuff automatically and transparent to the user?
Could be a bug of this xCode version?
The following images contains details about the error
Error images - https://developer.apple.com/forums/content/attachment/beab513f-50af-49fc-8597-4f09d7192a2b