I’m keep looking around documentation and some sample codes but still haven’t found example of how was used this type of Network Regressor .
Does it take some special parameters to perform on ANE , what size,format of DataFrame ?
Keep getting error :
I have tried Picker for File, Photo Library , both same results .
Debugging the resize for 360x360 but still facing this error.
The model I'm trying to implement is created with CreateMLComponents
The process is from example of WWDC 2022 Banana Ripeness , I have used index for each .jpg .
Prediction Failed: The VNCoreMLTransform request failed
Is there some possible way to solve it or is error somewhere in training of model ?
I have rewatched WWDC22 a few times , but still not getting full understanding how to get .mlmodel model file type from components .
Example with banana ripeness is cool , but what need to be added to actually have output of .mlmodel , is somewhere full sample code for this type of modular project ?
Code is from [https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2022/10019)
import CoreImage
import CreateMLComponents
struct ImageRegressor {
static let trainingDataURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: "~/Desktop/bananas")
static let parametersURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: "~/Desktop/parameters")
static func train() async throws -> some Transformer<CIImage, Float> {
let estimator = ImageFeaturePrint()
// File name example: banana-5.jpg
let data = try AnnotatedFiles(labeledByNamesAt: trainingDataURL, separator: "-", index: 1, type: .image)
.mapAnnotations({ Float($0)! })
let (training, validation) = data.randomSplit(by: 0.8)
let transformer = try await estimator.fitted(to: training, validateOn: validation)
try estimator.write(transformer, to: parametersURL)
return transformer
I have tried to run it in Mac OS command line type app, Swift-UI but most what I had as output was .pkg with