




Reply to generate SecIdentityRef with SecCertificateRef, private key
Thanks @eskimo for your help! I managed to get it working because of your replies in this thread... The only thing missing is how to add access control; I tried adding it while storing the private key:      let privateKeyAttributes: [String: Any] = [       kSecAttrIsPermanent as String: true,       kSecAttrApplicationLabel as String: RSA.privKeyAttrApplicationLabel,       kSecAttrAccessControl as String: RSA.getBioSecAccessControl(),       kSecUseAuthenticationContext as String: LAContext(),       kSecAttrApplicationTag as String: RSA.privKeyAttrApplicationTag     ] But unfortunately this always gets me the osstatus 34018 when fetching via      let getIdentityQuery: [String: Any] = [kSecClass as String: kSecClassIdentity,                         kSecReturnRef as String: true,                         kSecAttrApplicationTag as String: privKeyAttrApplicationTag] How can I protect the private key with biometrics? Thanks!
Topic: Privacy & Security SubTopic: General Tags:
May ’21