




Troubleshooting Safari-Specific Issues with PWA Push Notifications and IndexedDB
Hi, I'm developing a PWA and I'm experiencing a host of strange issues exclusively with Safari and push notifications, none of which happen with other browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, other Chromium-based browsers). I've been testing primarily on mobile, so it may be (although it's unlikely) that desktop Safari behave differently. The most severe issue is that the indexedDB global is undefined when the service worker is awoken by a push notification. This completely breaks things. I've recently updated to iOS 18.1.1 and I've seen this issue only recently, so it may be related to an update. The notifications endpoint keeps changing and notifications are missed. This issue is weird to make sense of, but the gist of it is that, after restarting the app, registration.pushManager.getSubscription() will, seemingly incorrectly, give null, triggering a call (in our app) to registration.pushManager.subscribe, which will give entirely different subscription information. "Deleted" notification endpoints keep on working (POSTing to them will return 201), instead of returning an error like Google, Microsoft & Mozilla do. This is perhaps not a critical, but it does complicate things on the backend, as we have few meaningful ways of automatically removing these endpoints. This may be related to 2 in that the endpoint is "created" but "forgotten". Sometimes (quite often) pushing a push notification will not result in any notification on the device, even if the handler has debug code to always display a notification for incoming messages. The endpoint will return a 201 response code. I've added some logic to our server to send a push notification as soon as a new push endpoint is seen, and this notification is shown, so it's the "background" notifications that are somehow missed. Testing shows that this may be related to 2, as in instances where the endpoint remains consistent, notifications seem to be delivered. Notification permissions are displayed inconsistently depending on the API used. Notification.permission seems to have the correct value, but navigator.permissions.query seems to always return 'prompt', regardless of the actual permission status. As a corollary to this, the onchange listener never seems to fire on Safari when a permission change occurs. I've searched in this forum, the Web and the WebKit bug tracker, and haven't been able to find anyone else experiencing these issues, other than the inconsistency of querying permissions. I suspect these are WebKit bugs, but it may also be that things are being done in a sequence that is "wrong" for Safari, which is not documented anywhere. Like I said, things work well in all other browsers. I have code to share where the issues can be reproduced reliably, but I don't at the moment have a minimal example. I would appreciate any help or direction with these matters.
Nov ’24