




"Invalid Bundle. The bundle <bundle name> does not support the minimum OS Version specified in the Info.plist"
I have been working with a framework to add multiplayer support to my app. The app runs on test devices, simulators, and archives perfectly fine and the app is fine without the framework. But when I go to distribute the app, I see get this error related to the multiplayer framework I have added. I have tried updating the minimumOSVersion to 9.0, 10.0, 12.0, and 13.0 everywhere (info.plist, deployment info, build settings, etc) and they all match with each build/archive but no matter what I can't get fix this error. This error only shows up when I go to distribute the app to the store. Any ideas on what to try or how to fix this issue? I've attached a screenshot of the issue below.
May ’22
"This bundle is invalid. The bundle at path [path] has an invalid CFBundleIdentifier..."
"This bundle is invalid. The bundle at path [path] has an invalid CFBundleIdentifier 'com.gdnative.framework.libwebrtc_native.ios.release.arm64' There are invalid characters (characters that are not dots, hyphen, and alphanumerics) that have been replaced with their code point 'com.gdnative.framework.libwebrtc_native.ios.release.arm64' ". This is framework that has been added before running and/or archiving. I am able to build and run on a device as well as archive the project but cannot distribute the app to the store. When I change the name of the framework to remove the "_" (which is what I believe the issue is), the app will not run on a build device and will not archive. Any ideas on what I should do? Any feedback or suggestions is greatly appreciated.
Apr ’22