Bundle ID

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A bundle ID is a unique identifier for a single app.

Posts under Bundle ID tag

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Can the Bundle ID Impact the Loading Time of a Pod/Framework?
Recent Incident with SDKAnalytics Version 11.11.4 We recently released version 11.11.4 of SDKAnalytics for use in the SuperApp. This update introduced several significant changes since the last generated version, 11.11.0. The previous version's primary change was the migration of the integration pipeline and its identifier from OQ6 to FW6. Additionally, we performed refactoring and adjustments to the project's configurations. In SDKAnalytics, we use XcodeGen to simplify project setup and minimize conflicts. We also rely on CocoaPods to create and manage our Pods/Frameworks. The SuperApp, where SDKAnalytics is implemented, operates as a centralized ecosystem. Its products and user journeys are segregated into Pods/Frameworks, distributed across multiple repositories, following a multi-repo structure. Currently, the app includes over 300 Pods. Starting from version 11.11.1 of our SDK, we implemented some important project changes. However, when we released version 11.11.4, which included a new feature for the SuperApp, we encountered a critical issue. Incident Overview All SDKs implemented in the SuperApp have their loading times monitored. After updating SDKAnalytics from version 11.11.0 to 11.11.4, the loading time spiked from 200 ms to 3000 ms. Faced with this significant impact, we launched a task force to investigate and resolve the issue. Investigation and Diagnosis After several days of investigation, we carefully reviewed the numerous pull requests merged between versions 11.11.0 and 11.11.4. As a strategy, we reverted the project.yml configurations from version 11.11.4 to match those of version 11.11.0. This rollback resolved the loading time issue, indicating that the problem stemmed from the project's configuration. Upon deeper analysis, we identified the culprit: a single line of configuration. The Bundle ID for the SuperApp follows the pattern com.companyname.enterprise. However, in version 11.11.4, SDKAnalytics adopted a new Bundle ID format: com.companyname.SDKAnalytics. This change directly impacted the SDKAnalytics loading time when implemented in the SuperApp. Solution To resolve the issue, we reverted this configuration. We modified the Bundle ID for SDKAnalytics to br.com.SDKAnalytics, removing the com.companyname prefix. After this change, the loading time returned to normal. Reflection The lingering question remains: What is the logical explanation for this discrepancy in loading time caused by the Bundle ID configuration? This behavior is unexpected, and we plan to investigate further to understand the underlying technical reasons.
ITMS-90129: The bundle uses a bundle name or display name that is already taken
Hello, I had app written in React Native using Expo. Now, I cleared up Expo from project, created new project, moved old source file to new project. Everything works fine. Now I want to publish new project using old bundle id to overwrite existing app, but I can't. What is problem? Is not permitted to do that? Maybe I need to provide something additionally? Thank you for helping.
Nov ’24
Google admob not working for specific bundle identifier iOS
I'm integrating AdMob rewarded interstitial ads into my live iOS app using CocoaPods and package dependency management. The ads are working fine when I use the bundle identifier com.CreativeCub.ProgrammingHu, but when I use the correct identifier com.CreativeCub.ProgrammingHub, the ads stop working. Here’s what I’ve tried: Verified that the bundle identifier matches across Xcode and AdMob. Double-checked the App ID and Ad Unit ID in the AdMob dashboard for com.CreativeCub.ProgrammingHub. Reinstalled the AdMob SDK using CocoaPods. Attempted to integrate AdMob using Swift Package Manager. Created a test project to rule out potential issues with my existing project. Despite these steps, ads only work when I use the shortened bundle identifier (com.CreativeCub.ProgrammingHu), which is not the correct one. Contacted Google admob support for the same but did not worked Tried running in different MacBook system
Nov ’24
Whether non-Apple Store mac apps can use passkey?
Our desktop app for macos will be released in 2 channels appstore dmg package on our official website for users to download and install Now when we debug with passkey, we find that the package name of the appstore can normally arouse passkey, but the package name of the non-App Store can not arouse the passkey interface I need your help. Thank you
Oct ’24
Unable to create App ID or upload to AppStore Connect
Hi, When I try to create an App ID for my app, I get the following message: "An App ID with Identifier '' is not available. Please enter a different string. I have not manually created an App ID under my team with this bundle identifier. I have 'Automatic Signing' checked in Xcode but am unable to upload or register an app with the same bundler Identifier through Xcode as well. I am not a member of any other team so this bundle identifier should be unique and should not have been used before. Would appreciate any help. Thanks.
Oct ’24
Inquiry Regarding Data Migration Using Quick Start
I am currently developing an iOS app with a new feature that utilizes Quick Start for data migration between devices. We are testing this in a test environment using an app distributed via TestFlight. However, we are encountering an issue where the app installed on the pre-migration device (distributed via TestFlight) does not transfer to the post-migration device. Could this issue be related to the fact that the app was distributed via TestFlight? Is there any restriction where only apps released via the App Store can be migrated using Quick Start? We would appreciate it if you could provide some insights into the cause of this issue and any alternative testing methods.
Oct ’24
Migration of BundleIDs and certificates
Good day. As part of a business unit separation, we are required to have our product with a different name, bundle IDs and certificates than our current configuration. The product contains network extensions and requires Full Disk Access. We distribute this product to our customers who either support MDM or not. I know from previous experience that a product can be transferred to a different account, which is something we could do only for some parts of our product (only a couple of Bundle IDs). My question is what's the best way to do this. I can imagine that having a scripted scenario where the other business unit's product is removed from customers and ours is installed, in a different folder. The main issue I can foresee is that because our architecture uses several network extensions that are installed as plugins (bad design I know), we would be asking the users for authorisation, again, to use those extensions, plus full disk access. What options do I have?
Oct ’24
Sign in with Apple Credential State Failing on watchOS for Existing Users
Hello everyone, I’m encountering an issue with Sign in with Apple in my watchOS app and would appreciate any guidance. Background: Initially, I did not have the Sign in with Apple capability enabled on my watchOS app. I have since enabled the capability and grouped it with my iOS app. For new user accounts created after this change, everything works perfectly: The credentialState check returns .authorized on both iOS and watchOS. However, for existing user accounts (created before enabling the capability on watchOS): The credentialState check returns not authorized on watchOS. The check still returns .authorized on iOS for these accounts. Error Details: When calling ASAuthorizationAppleIDProvider.credentialState(forUserID:) on watchOS for existing accounts, I receive the following error: Error Domain=AKAuthenticationError Code=-7074 "(null)" My Suspicions: I believe the issue arises because the existing Sign in with Apple tokens are only associated with the iOS app’s bundle identifier and not with the watchOS app’s bundle identifier. Since the capability wasn’t enabled on the watchOS app when these accounts were created, their tokens aren’t valid for the watchOS app. Questions: Is this the correct explanation for why the credentialState check fails on watchOS for existing accounts, resulting in the AKAuthenticationError Code=-7074 error? Can I update or migrate the existing accounts so that their Sign in with Apple tokens are valid for the watchOS app as well? If so, how can this be achieved? Are there any best practices for handling this situation without requiring users to re-authenticate or removing the credentialState check from the watchOS app? Goal: I want to maintain the credentialState check on the watchOS app because it works correctly for new accounts and is important for security. I’m looking for a solution that allows existing users to continue using the app on their Apple Watch without interruption or additional sign-in steps. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!
Nov ’24
How to migrate macOS keychain entry to new rewritten app?
I'm working on replacing an AppKit-based Mac app with one built on Catalyst, and the Catalyst app doesn't seem to be able to read the keychain item that was saved by the old app. Both apps are using the same bundle ID. The old app uses the old SecKeychain APIs - SecKeychainFindGenericPassword and friends - and the Catalyst app uses the newer SecItemCopyMatching and such. When I try using the new API in the old app to search for the entry, it works, but the exact same code in Catalyst fails. Here's how I save an item in the old app: NSString *strItemId = @"my_item_id; NSString *username = @"user"; const char *userPointer = [username UTF8String]; NSString *password = @"password"; const char *pwPointer = [password UTF8String]; SecKeychainItemRef ref = NULL; OSStatus status = SecKeychainFindGenericPassword(0, (UInt32)strlen(strItemId.UTF8String), strItemId.UTF8String, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, &ref); if (status == errSecSuccess && ref != NULL) { //update existing item SecKeychainAttribute attr; attr.length = (UInt32)strlen(userPointer); attr.data = (void *)userPointer; attr.tag = kSecAccountItemAttr; SecKeychainAttributeList list; list.count = 1; list.attr = &attr; OSStatus writeStatus = SecKeychainItemModifyAttributesAndData(ref, &list, (UInt32)strlen(pwPointer), pwPointer); } else { status = SecKeychainAddGenericPassword(NULL, (UInt32)strlen(strItemId.UTF8String), strItemId.UTF8String, (UInt32)strlen(userPointer), userPointer, (UInt32)strlen(pwPointer), pwPointer, NULL); } And here's the query code that works in the old app but returns errSecItemNotFound in Catalyst: NSMutableDictionary *queryDict = [[[NSMutableDictionary alloc]init]autorelease]; [queryDict setObject:(__bridge id)kSecClassGenericPassword forKey:(__bridge id)kSecClass]; [queryDict setObject:(@"my_item_id") forKey:(__bridge id)kSecAttrService]; [queryDict setObject:(__bridge id)kSecMatchLimitOne forKey:(__bridge id)kSecMatchLimit]; [queryDict setObject:(__bridge id)kCFBooleanTrue forKey:(__bridge id)kSecReturnAttributes]; CFMutableDictionaryRef outDictionary = nil; OSStatus err = SecItemCopyMatching((__bridge CFDictionaryRef)queryDict, (CFTypeRef *)&outDictionary); I tried creating a new blank AppKit-based Mac app project in Xcode and gave it the old Mac app's bundle ID, and the SecItemCopyMatching query code above works there. Then I created a new iOS target with Catalyst enabled, also with the same bundle ID, and the query code running there under Catalyst returned errSecItemNotFound. So maybe the issue is something specific to Catalyst? Is there something I need to do with the Catalyst app to give it access to the old app's keychain entry, besides setting its bundle ID to match the old app?
Oct ’24
Background modes in Flutter project (Android Studio)
Hello, I'm developing an iOS app in Flutter, but I'm having trouble enabling Background Mode. I added the following configuration to Info.plist and Runner.entitlements: <key>UIBackgroundModes</key> <array> <string>processing</string> <string>fetch</string> <string>location</string> </array> However, the Background Mode option doesn't appear in my App ID to be enabled. And the build fails with the message: Provisioning profile "Ready Response ios_app_store ..." doesn't include the UIBackgroundModes entitlement. How can I enable this option in my App ID? Note: I'm using Android Studio and publishing through Codemagic.
Sep ’24
Same email address -- different IDs -- how to fix?
I use the same email address both in xCode and at developer.apple.com. I have only one team (individual) in xCode, and it uses that particular email. If I look at the Signing Certificate at Signing and Capabilities at Xcode, there is a 10-digit identifier after it, lets call it QWERTYUIOP. When I then go to the developer.apple.com, and log in with the same email address I use in xCode, my Team ID is different than in xCode, lets call it ASDFGHJKLX. The same identifier can be found at Certificates, Identifiers &amp;amp;amp; Profiles. When I developed an Xcode app and tried to get it processed in developer.apple.com, no bundle IDs were found. If I look at my Keychain Access I have certificates with both IDs available. My Developer Certificates are from xCode (QWERTYUIOP) and my distribution certificates are from developer.apple.com (ASDFGHJKLX). I've deleted and re-created them several times but that's what happens. Can anybody help? Support has not been responsive yet.
Sep ’24
rejected by 4.3 due to being misunderstood as a similar application. What should I do?
My application was developed by myself There is a reason for being misunderstood Please allow me to provide some information: My application has already been launched on a macOS platform version (temporarily called AAA). I encountered difficulties in compiling the SDK, as it cannot be compatible with two platforms in the same project at the same time. Therefore, I have specifically developed an iOS version (temporarily called BBB) This version uses a different bundle ID from the plaintiff's macOS platform version, equivalent to two independent apps. Then, the (BBB) version of my iOS platform was rejected. The reason was "4.3- Spam". I accepted this decision and did not attempt to apply for listing again, and deleted the relevant information. Later on, I spent time and finally overcame the difficulties of SDK compilation, successfully developing an iOS version (temporarily called CCC) based on the macOS version, using the same bundle ID as the macOS version, which can be considered as the same app My new iOS version (CCC) has always been considered similar to other apps and is not allowed to be released. The above is the information I have provided. I hope that the version of my iOS platform (CCC) can be launched I understand that there was a misunderstanding here, and I apologize for the similar judgment caused by my mistake in creating a separate iOS version I am an independent developer and I have no experience in this area. How should I operate to successfully list?
Aug ’24
Clear Rosetta Flag for Desktop App
A little bit of background: If you make an app with no compiled Arm64 binaries in the Content/MacOS folder, MacOS erroneously identifies it as an Intel based app. After launching the app, MacOS will prompt the user to install rosetta, despite the app running fine natively. I found a simple solution to this issue, either include a do-nothing compiled binary to Contents/MacOS, or add <key>LSArchitecturePriority</key> <array> <string>arm64</string> </array> to the plist. The problem is this change only fixes the issue if you also change the BundleID. If you run the app even once with the bad configuration, MacOS seems to cache the intel flag somewhere based on the BundleID. It does not seem to be cached in the usual places. How to reproduce: (On apple silicon) You probably already have rosetta, and it is a pain to remove, so a VM is likely needed. Make an empty app with Script Editor, export with file format: Application. Replace Example.app/Content/MacOS/applet with a script of the same name. Make sure the old applet is gone, don't rename it and leave it in the directory. I used: #!/usr/bin/osascript display dialog "Hello, world" Make it executable sudo chmod +x ./Example.app/Content/MacOS/applet Run the app and observe that it asks you to install rosetta Add the previously mentioned fix to you plist, including the BundleID change Run it again and observe that it now works Change your BundleID back. Running this now raises the rosetta prompt despite the fact that it runs fine on a clean install of MacOS. Things I have tried: Rebooting, no effect Reforming the app, no effect Reboot in recovery mode, no effect lsregister -delete, no effect ~/Library/Preferences, ~/Library/Caches, /Library/Preferences, and /Library/Caches, none contain an entry for the BundleId defaults delete, domain not found
Aug ’24
May I ask why different bundle IDs affect the notification of AVAudioSessionInterruptionType
Some iOS apps with signatures or bundle IDs will receive the AVAudioSessionInterruptionTypeBegan callback when the headphones are disconnected, but will not receive the AVAudioSessionInterruptionTypeEnded callback. Not all bundle IDs can cause appeal issues, May I ask why different bundle IDs result in the above differences, and what are the settings that bind bundle IDs that affect the notification of AVAudioSessionInterruptionType
Jul ’24