




Reply to ITMS-90477: Invalid Bundle Identifier - Attempting to change bundle identifier
@rlarrosa, I'm exactly in the same situation. I have not deleted my Apple Watch identifier of my app which has been live and getting updated every couple of months since 2018. A month or so ago I wanted to push a new version and suddenly xcode says that my Apple Watch identifier is not available to my team. Apple support has been looking into this for over a month and this is going no where. Meanwhile competitors are pushing new releases and I'm blocked. Support recommended using a new identifier for the Apple Watch and I said that it will confuse end users since they will end up with 2 apps looking the same but only 1 working. I gave it a try and I'm now hitting this error of this thread which makes sense since apps should not change their identifiers. In summary, I have no clue how my identifier got removed from my account and Apple support is taking a long time to solve this which honestly seems like they will not solve it. At the moment I'm blocked and not sure if there is any solution to this. I cannot release a new app and lose the existing user base. Very disappointed at the quality of support I'm receiving.
Jul ’21