




FocusState not working on ipad
I created this simple view to test focus in preview mode and I have no idea why it works absolutely fine on iphone, but not at all on ipad? import SwiftUI struct SimpleFocusTestView: View { @FocusState private var isFocused: Bool var body: some View { Text("Test Focus") .focusable() .focused($isFocused) .onTapGesture { isFocused.toggle() print("Tapped to toggle focus: \(isFocused)") } .onAppear { isFocused = true } .onChange(of: isFocused) { oldValue, newValue in print("Focus changed: \(newValue)") } .background { if isFocused { Capsule() .fill(.indigo) .opacity(0.3) } } } } #Preview { SimpleFocusTestView() } The printouts I get are: if I click on ipad I get this: Tapped to toggle focus: false Tapped to toggle focus: false Tapped to toggle focus: false why is it impossible to change the value of isFocused on ipad? it all works fine on iphone: Tapped to toggle focus: true Focus changed: false Tapped to toggle focus: false Focus changed: true
Aug ’24
App both rejected and still under review at the same time
There seems to be a very odd situation here. I submitted my app for review and yesterday it was rejected and the reason given. I fixed the problem, resubmitted and that has resulted today in it being rejected again, but no reason given, no contact made and Review Status is still "under review". It's clearly now been marked rejected once more, but I can take no action because it's still under review and no reason has been given. I don't see how it can still be under review and newly rejected at the same time? Seems to be a glitch. Has anyone else ever come across this?
Jan ’24