I would like to access some data from CloudKit through an app extension (more specifically a watch app).
In my main app I simply create my container like this: CKContainer(identifier: "myContainerID") and then call any methods on the private database
In my app extension I create a container with the exact same code but when I try to call a method on the private database I get this error:
<CKError 0x600003953c90: "Permission Failure" (10/2007); server message = "Invalid bundle ID for container"; uuid = 76F8A8B0-0B53-4D23-A7EB-D9982C7CE0BB; container ID = "myContainerID">
I've also doubled checked that I've got all the correct iCloud entitlements.
I've also seen this question but I'm already using the solution: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30458459/how-to-make-watchkit-extension-app-and-my-iphone-app-share-the-same-icloud-datab
Thanks for any help!
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