I've been having this issue every month or so: I submit a new version of my app, it gets approved by the App Store Review team, I release it (usually with a progressive rollout), and when the update shows up in the App Store, users can't download it.
They see the new version, they press update, the spinning wheel starts but it fails right away and the button goes back to "Update". If the user tries deleting the app and reinstalling the app, they can't even download it anymore. It's terrible. It usually resolves itself after a few days (the worst time took a full week) but at that point most users have just given up. You can imagine how frustrated they are, especially the paying ones. It has impacted my sales greatly.
I have reached out to Apple multiple times, explaining the issue, sending videos of what's happening, forwarding emails from angry customers, but they never came back with a solution. They didn't seem to able to reproduce the issue on their end, so they didn't want to investigate further.
Has anyone experienced this issue before? Any ideas on what I could do to prevent this from happening?
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