




Comment on Set CFBundleDisplayName and CFBundleName as "Companion" then get error "ITMS-90129: The bundle uses a bundle name or display name that is already taken." always but when I change app name to others such as "ECHO" then the build can be uploaded.
This is the new app. I'm confused why it works with "ECHO" or even "Facebook". I means I set CFBundleDisplayName as "ECHO" or "Facebook" to this new app and it can be uploaded; no error. I tried to use "Companion" because I thought that app name under app icon on Home screen can be duplicated but I got error all the time. Could you please let me know the difference between set CFBundleDisplayName to this new app between "Companion" and "ECHO", "Facebook"?
Comment on Set CFBundleDisplayName and CFBundleName as "Companion" then get error "ITMS-90129: The bundle uses a bundle name or display name that is already taken." always but when I change app name to others such as "ECHO" then the build can be uploaded.
This is the new app. I'm so confused why it works with "ECHO" or even "Facebook". I mean I tried to set CFBundleDisplayName = "ECHO" or "Facebook" to this new app and it can be uploaded; no error. I thought app name under app icon on Home screen can be duplicated. Could you please let me know the difference between set CFBundleDisplay as "Companion" and "ECHO", "Facebook"?