I've got a Flutter app that is a “reader” app. The External Link Account Entitlement has already been requested and granted. It is already added as an Additional Capability to the App ID. The com.apple.developer.storekit.external-link.account entitlement is already present in the .entitlements file. Also SKExternalLinkAccount key is added to the Info.plist file with the correct URL.
ExternalLinkAccount.open() is invoked via a MethodChannel call handler and things work perfectly in debug mode. The modal appears as expected and opens the link in the external browser.
Xcode archive is also sucessful and the entitlement seems to be in place when inspecting the app with:
codesign -d --entitlements :- ./path/to/app
But when trying to distribute the app via Xcode the entitlement disappears. Other entitlements are not affected by this issue, eg.: com.apple.developer.associated-domains for universal links. This happens with automatically managed singing and a manually selected provisioning profile as well. When inspecting the latter in Xcode the necessary capability and entitlement is included. But when distributing to App Store Connect the entitlement disappears with both recommended and custom settings.
I ran flutter clean mulitple times. What am I missing here?