




Reply to Localization settings hidden if only 1 preffered language in iOS
I've spent so much time and effort localizing my game (Finished! by Friedemann Friese) and now it looks like many users will be contacting me for customer support. They can't see the language choices. I was about to add a custom language setting in-app, but Apple asks that we don't include a language choice within our apps. OR... they suggest that we replace that by opening a URL to the app system settings – which I just did and totally doesn't work because of this issue. Come on Apple – why would you hide the language setting? Does it cost more to show it or confuse users because they don't know what the language choices mean? :(
Topic: UI Frameworks SubTopic: SwiftUI Tags:
Feb ’23
Reply to GDPR & CCPA Compliance with location
This is a great question. I'm not an expert on this yet, but I'm using Google's Funding Choices SDK in order to try to manage asking users for GDPR consent. They use a user's IP address as a way to estimate approximate location in order to decide whether it's necessary to show a user a GDPR or CCPA dialog. However, I don't think you have to ask before using "Coarse" location like that. In my apps I'm making sure to say "Yes" to the App Store privacy interview questions that show how a user's data is used and, although I don't care about a user's location, a lot of the SDK's that I use do want it (e.g. Google AdMob).
Topic: Privacy & Security SubTopic: General Tags:
Jan ’22
Reply to AppTrackingTransparency, IDFA, and showing ads
Yeah – I'm looking for way more help on how to implement this correctly and in an effective way. Maybe there's more info hidden in the iOS 14 beta forum? I'll go look... Meanwhile... The best help that I've found in actually implementing something to try to address this well is Google's Funding Choices.
Topic: Privacy & Security SubTopic: General Tags:
Sep ’20