I opened up a TIC with Apple. To save other engineers some hassle, here's what was wrong:1. The "exp" and "iat" timestamps should be in epoch SECONDS, not epoch millis, which I was first using.2. The timestamps need to literally be a JSON number, as opposed to a string value.3. I had the wrong kidIn other words,{
"aud": "https://appleid.apple.com",
"sub": "love.censio.Censio",
"iss": "xxxxx",
"exp": 1587239821,
"iat": 1586635021
I'm having the same issues. Also trying to do this from a Java Backend. The responses generated for this API are terrible! They don't help us figure out what's wrong at all, just the same generic error: "invalid_client". Even Facebook's APIs are more descriptive.