Keep in mind I'm talking about interpolated values when logging from within Xcode 15, not Also, I'm running on MacOS 13.5, not Sonoma.
If I have something like this in my code:
let log = Logger(subsystem: "com.whatever.MyApp" category: "UI")
And somewhere else in the code do something like:
log.debug("Clicked edit for '\('.")
I expect to see the following in Xcode 15's new structured console log:
Clicked edit for 'MyAccount'.
But instead, I see:
Clicked edit for ''.
In order to make the account name appear, I have to use an explicit privacy modifier, like this:
log.debug("Clicked edit for '\(, privacy: .public)'.")
The WWDC23 session introducing this feature shows plenty of examples where the interpolated values show up in the log (in Xcode). I switched back to the old style, and the values DO show up for stdio output.
I can't find a reference to this being an issue in the Xcode 15 release notes, nor can I find a preference and/or schema value I can work with to get that private info to show up ... when I'm in Xcode. (I don't care about the Console app or log CLI apps -- those hide the data as expected.)
Anyone seeing this issue and/or know of a workaround?
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