User Notifications

Push user-facing notifications to the user's device from a server or generate them locally from your app using User Notifications.

User Notifications Documentation

Posts under User Notifications tag

3 Posts
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Post not yet marked as solved
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We are looking for more testers to test SchoolMate version 2.2! What is SchoolMate? SchoolMate is an app to help you Ace the Day with a built in schedule manager, grade calculators, flashcards (included with premium), and lots of customization. (learn more about SchoolMate) What should be tested? In 2.2, we are introducing custom app icons, an updated Premium page with custom symbols, SOME localization for Spanish users (work in progress), and other UI tweaks. We would love feedback on the current app icon designs, along with suggestions for new ones if you have them! In the premium page, we'd love any feedback necessary for updating the wording or symbols. And of course, If any other bugs arise or you have feature suggestions or improvements, we'd love to hear them!!
11 months ago
Post not yet marked as solved
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Hi! Welcome to Cali! Welcome new Beta Testers! Cali is a new calendar app that shows you what's next, keep track, and gives you a summary in the morning. And now it's all yours! Ariel Araya-Madrigal
11 months ago