Compose custom layouts with SwiftUI

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MyEqualWidthHStack WWDC example not working for me
Hi I really liked the video by Paul Lettieri, creating a replacement for HStack that gives equal width to each, so I wrote one for my app. But the app doesn't compile for me. It gives me "Trailing closure passed to parameter of type 'HorizontalAlignment' that does not accept a closure" against the top VStack, not the place where the equal lengths HStack replacement appears. This is my version of his struct: extension LayoutSubviews {       func maxSize() -> CGSize {     let subviewSizes = map { $0.sizeThatFits(.unspecified) }     return subviewSizes.reduce( { CGSize(width: Swift.max($0.width, $1.width), height: Swift.max($0.height, $1.height)) }   }// maxSize()       func spacing() -> [Double] {     return { index in       guard index < count - 1 else { return 0.0 }       return self[index].spacing.distance(to: self[index + 1].spacing, along: .horizontal)     }   }// spacing()     }// extension LayoutSubviews struct EqualWidthHStack: Layout {       func sizeThatFits(proposal: ProposedViewSize, subviews: Subviews, cache: inout ()) -> CGSize {     let maxsize = subviews.maxSize()     let totalSpacing = subviews.spacing().reduce(0) { $0 + $1 }     return CGSize(width: maxsize.width * Double(subviews.count) + totalSpacing, height: maxsize.height)   }// sizeThatFits       func placeSubviews(in bounds: CGRect, proposal: ProposedViewSize, subviews: Subviews, cache: inout ()) {     let maxsize = subviews.maxSize()     let spacing = subviews.spacing()     let sizeProposal = ProposedViewSize(width: maxsize.width, height: maxsize.height)     var x = bounds.minX + maxsize.width / 2     for index in subviews.indices {       subviews[index].place(at: CGPoint(x: x, y: bounds.midX), anchor: .center, proposal: sizeProposal)       x += maxsize.width + spacing[index]     }   }// placeSubviews     }// EqualWidthHStack I wrote this trivial View to test it: struct ContentView: View {   var body: some View {     VStack {       HStack {         Button("Hi") { print("Hi!") }         Button("Hello") { print("Hello!") }         Button("Good evening") { print("Good evening!") }       }       EqualWidthHStack {         Button("Hi") { print("Hi!") }         Button("Hello") { print("Hello!") }         Button("Good evening") { print("Good evening!") }       }       Image(systemName: "globe")         .imageScale(.large)         .foregroundColor(.accentColor)       Text("Hello, world!")     }   } } I'm using Version 14.0 beta 2 (14A5229c) of Xcode. I was having a problem with the exact same message in another app with a much more complex main view. I hope someone can tell me what to do or what is going on here. Regards, Mark
Feb ’24