Explore WKWebView additions

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Discuss the WWDC21 session Explore WKWebView additions.

Posts under wwdc21-10032 tag

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wkWebView, Trusted Domain, and Autofill/KeyChain Issue
We have been searching for almost one year for answers as to why wkWebView using an Entitled Domain will allow Autofill with KeyChain to fill credentials, but will not trigger Autofill to store/save them. In other words, if users have previously stored credentials in Safari while visiting domain X, subsequent visited to wkWebView with entitled domain X will allow use of those credentials in wkWebView through the Autofill/Keychain dialogue. However, users cannot save/store credentials within wkWebView in Trusted domain X because the save dialogue is never triggered.
Sep ’23
RTCPeerConnection is undefined on page loaded in Mac WKwebview
Hello I have a webrtc-based web app that is loaded inside a WKWebView. The web app gets loaded just fine in our iOS App running WKWebView on an iPad with iOS 15.1. We are using the exact same app, built for Mac Catalyst. However, on the Mac version, the web app gets loaded but the RTCPeerConnection object is undefined.. Meaning that our web app assumes that WebRTC is not available in that browser. Isn't the native app supposed to work the exact same on iOS and MacOS? Is the Mac version of WKWebView more limited than its iOS counterpart ? Is there any resource that states exactly what is supported in WKWebview in each platform? Thanks
Aug ’23