CreateML error thrown when creating image classifier model

In beta 1 I was able to create an image classifier model using a subset of my data. In beta 2 I’m now seeing an error:


Detected inf/nan values in feature(s) \'__image_feature(s)__\', \'__image_feature(s)__\', (repeated many times)

Cannot proceed with model training.

What is the issue here?

Answered by plasticbrain in 319954022

The issue is fixed [for me] with macOS 10.14 Beta 3 (18A326g) and Xcode 10.0 beta 3 (10L201y).

Xcode 10.0 beta 3 alone did not solve the issue. Guess we have to wait for Mojave Beta 3 as well.

Accepted Answer

The issue is fixed [for me] with macOS 10.14 Beta 3 (18A326g) and Xcode 10.0 beta 3 (10L201y).

What did you do once you installed Beta3 Mojave & Xcode? Did you just drag and drop Xcode Beta 3 into the Applications directory, or did you do a nuclear uninstall of the prior installation?

I am still seeing the issue on Xcode 10-beta3, with 10.14 Beta. I dragged prior Xcode beta to trash, and new Beta 3 to Applications directory.

CreateML error thrown when creating image classifier model