Solution to template apps?


Has anyone come across the problem of template applications that are being rejected? We are providing our clients with a mobile application that comes as a part of the package and contains our analytics (which is what we are selling). However, the apps are now getting rejected as information-wise they are identical. The only difference between them is the colours/logos and the link that would take users to the client’s website.

Is there any solution you could suggest that would solve this problem?


This has been widely discussed.

Templates are allowed - that's not the problem....the issue is that your 'clients' need to have their own developer program account.

Templates are frequently mentioned because they act as a symptom of the problem. You aren't allowed to re-sell your account.

Looking the same is the next issue. Just because apps are identical doesn't mean they were made using a template. Don't phone it in when making an app - put some effort into each design and show some real interest in the work. Don't just spam the store with low energy apps.

Search this forum for '4.3 spam rejection'.

Apple wants you to generate a single app that can be directed by the user to a specific 'client' or 'ball team' or 'barber shop' rather than one for each client, ball team or barber shop in every town in America. Another solution may be to have each of your clients create their own developer account and submit the app under that account.

4.3 Spam Don’t create multiple Bundle IDs of the same app. If your app has different versions for specific locations, sports teams, universities, etc., consider submitting a single app and provide the variations using in-app purchase.......

KMT, PBK, Thanks for your replies.

All our clients submit their applications from their own developer account, so this is not the issue. And every app we supply them with is a White Label, apps are submitted with different package names by each developer. However, Apple is mentioning ‘duplicate functionality and content’ ‘submitted by you or another developer’. Changing the design in every new app would be too costly and I guess we are quite limited in the number of variations anyway, considering the nature of the service we provide. Some of the information is updated daily, some of it is not changing, everything goes under its own category under a separate tab. So it is not viable to make any changes to the actual content or how it is placed within the app (I guess we can reshuffle the tabs but this is unlikely to change Apple’s opinion about the ‘duplicate content’). What are our options in this situation? If we add, for example, a new tab that would contain some specific information related to this particular client, is that going to work?

my opinion doesn’t matter.

>Changing the design in every new app would be too costly

Ah, now we come to the meat of the issue and the single worst excuse for white label apps.

Thanks for the info and good luck.

Solution to template apps?