XCode 10 app size much bigger

I noticed that my app built using XCode 10.0 doubled in size. Diggging into the app itself (in Finder), I noticed the culprit is the file assets.car, which is Apple's way of storing the asset catalog. Specifically:

Compiled in XCode 9.4.1, assets.car is 25.3 MB

Compiled in XCode 10.0, assets.car is 52.6 MB

That is more than double the size of before. I didn't notice the difference until it was already live in the App Store. Now my users are donwloading the update which is double in size...

Anyone know anything about this? Bug?


What is that asset file's file count, one vs. the other?

I had the exact smae issue. If you are using CoCopods or another version then do a pod update, that helped me. However, my binary is still larger than I think it should be.