How to find the UDID for iPhone XS running IOS 12 ???
UDID for iPhone XS
in Xcode 10, open 'Window' -> 'Devices and Simulators' and select your device. there you will see the 'identifier'. Notice that it's a different format then previous iPhones (xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
Apple Configurator 2 is a much smaller download and works also.
I don't have an iPhone Xs to try it with, but for previous devices iTunes will show it. With the device connected, go the Summary page for the device and click on the Serial Number. It will change to UDID. Keep clicking, and it will also show things like ECID, phone #, etc.
In iTunes only ECID is found for the Xs model, but with Xcode or 3rd party sw you can find Device ID: nnnnnnnn-nnnxnnnnnnnnnnnx which is accepted in device registration. In USB info it's serial number, but you need to add "-" after 8 digits.
Thanks! How do you register a new device? Everything I’ve tried doesn’t work. I’v Searched around but can’t find anything that fits with my stuff. For example, Xcode > Organizer > Device. When I’m in organizer, there’s no device command. Please help.
Do you have a paid account or are you attempting to use Xcode's free provisioning?
On Windows computer, use device manager - Portable devices - R-click Apple iPhone and properties.
Details - Parent (If my norwegian/english translation is correct)
There you also need to add - after 8 characters.
I’m using a Mac.
>Xcode > Organizer > Device
Sounds like you're not using the current version* Xcode.
Instead, and as noted above, use Xcode 10's Window/Devices and Simulators menu. Do you see your device/phone listed there?
If not, and regardess of which Xcode you're using, open iTunes and check that is sees your phone.
* Current version is Xcode 10, which you will need when using a device on the current version iOS, which is 12.
This is what I did to find the UDID for my XS Max.
Using Your iTunes Backup (macOS)
1. Click the Go menu.
2. Hold the Option key. You'll see additional menu options appear.
3. Click "Library." This only appears if you are holding the Option key.
4. Double-click the "Application Support" folder.
5. Double-click the "MobileSync" folder.
6. Double-click the "Backup" folder.
Look at the folder names to find your UDID. iTunes labels your device backups with the device's UDID. The first backup of the device will have just the UDID as the folder name, while subsequent backups will have the UDID followed by a date.