Crash in pthread mutex creation

Our app uses the pjsip library (version 2.3), but it's crashing when running on iOS 9 beta 3, apparently when attempting to create a mutex using pthread. Relevant stack trace:

Thread 11:
0   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x000000019850e364 0x19850c000 + 9060
1   RingTo Production             0x00000001003c8b38 init_mutex + 344
2   RingTo Production             0x00000001003c9fec pj_mutex_create + 144
3   RingTo Production             0x00000001003ca2ac pj_mutex_create_recursive + 36
4   RingTo Production             0x0000000100450208 pjsip_endpt_create + 504
5   RingTo Production             0x00000001004a0634 pjsua_create + 556
6   RingTo Production             0x00000001003a8d98 pj::Endpoint::libCreate() + 24

This looks like a bug in iOS itself, anyone encountered something similar?

Our app (build on iOS 8 SDK) also uses pjsip (version 2.4) and when running on a device with iOS 9 beta 3 we get the same crash.

Building the app and pjsip using iOS 9 SDK results in the same crash.

Stack trace:

Thread 0 name:  Dispatch queue:
Thread 0:
0   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00000001989b6364 pthread_mutex_init + 260
1   Hubgets                       0x000000010056afb8 init_mutex (os_core_unix.c:1160)
2   Hubgets                       0x000000010056c744 pj_mutex_create (os_core_unix.c:1214)
3   Hubgets                       0x000000010056ca34 pj_mutex_create_recursive (os_core_unix.c:1242)
4   Hubgets                       0x0000000100621f6c pjsip_endpt_create (sip_endpoint.c:483)
5   Hubgets                       0x0000000100675dd4 pjsua_create (pjsua_core.c:829)

I installed beta 4 on my device and it seems to have fixed the issue. Can you confirm @silviud?

Crash in pthread mutex creation